ODS Notifications

ODS Notifications


As per the Data Dive presentation on April 22, the Academic Planning and Operational Reporting website at https://academicplanning.usf.edu  has been updated. With this change, some commonly used resources are available at new URLs on our website.


For example, Curriculum Codes is now available on our website at this updated address: https://academicplanning.usf.edu/Internal/CurriculumCodes


If your desired resource is unavailable using a previously saved bookmark or favorite, you may access the updated address by visiting the main page at https://academicplanning.usf.edu  and clicking on the desired resource in the navigation menu.


Any questions about the website update can be sent to academicplanningweb@usf.edu if any assistance is needed.

In September 2023, the State University System of Florida Board of Governors (BOG) repealed BOG Regulation 8.016 Student Learning Outcomes Assessment, which required submission of the annual Academic Learning Compact (ALC) report. USF Policy 10-060 Student Learning Outcomes has been amended to align with the BOG Regulation repeal and is available for review for interested stakeholders. The policy continues to detail the expectations for student learning outcomes assessment articulated by USF's institutional accreditor, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Please review the USF Assessment Webpage for further information about the student learning outcomes assessment process."

The College Accountability cycle for 2023-24 is well underway and ODS is happy to share the newly released College Scorecards which replace what were previously known as the PPA matrix. These scorecards reflect progress to goal on a select subset of metrics and will be updated throughout the academic year. Important documentation underlying the scorecards can be found here https://app.powerbi.com/groups/28ccab77-1684-489d-adbf-6dc839caf78c/reports/42b5f179-b152-450e-9435-385854df4380/ReportSectionf67a675747bc403ab538?experience=power-bi ​​​​​​​. As a reminder, for trend data behind these metrics, and many more, please visit the College Accountability Navigation resource.


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