2022-2023 Electives Syllabus Repository

It is the students' responsibility to verify where and to whom they report before the start of each course no later than the Friday before the start of the rotation.

Tampa Instructions

Students in the SELECT (LVHN) program who rotate at one of the Tampa campus sites must email the onboarding coordinator, Cathy Waters at cwaters2@usf.edu at least 8 weeks before the start of the Tampa elective (with the following information) to ensure that all appropriate hospital credentials are in place.

  • Name of elective
  • Site of elective
  • Dates of elective

LVHN Instructions

Students in the Core (Tampa) program who rotate at one of the LVHN campus sites should do the following:

  1. For housing requests, visit https://form.jotform.com/220313255894960
  2. Complete the State of Pennsylvania Criminal Clearances in CERTIPHI.
  3. Orientation Modules https://www.lvhn.org/network-wide-orientation-modules#
    Please sign and email copies of the following forms to: medicalstudents@lvhn.org
  4. Acknowledgement of Confidentiality form: https://www.lvhn.org/sites/default/files/2019-03/Acknowledgement_of_Confidentiality.pdf
  5. CPSL Affidavit: https://www.lvhn.org/sites/default/files/2019-03/affidavit%20-%20student%20cpsl.pdf
  6. Copy of your current Immunization Record (including proof of current TB test and seasonal flu vaccination (Mandatory for all rotations occurring between Oct 1 – May 1.)

Drop/Add opens 5/10/2022

  1. Drop/add requests must be submitted at least one month in advance of the rotation.
  2. Log into Archivum at https://usf.appiancloud.com.
    • Click My Actions & Tasks
    • Click Submit Drop Add Request
    • Select your track 
    • Scroll down to view your Eligible Courses to Drop. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of the course. If you make a mistake, you can click the red (x) to the right of the course.
    • Scroll down to Eligible Courses to Add
    • Select the Period
    • Begin typing the desired course in the Course field
    • (Optional) Select a Site
    • Find your course and click the plus sign (+) to the left
    • Click Submit
  3. To view your completed requests in Archivum

    • Click Academic Profile
    • Click 4th Year Scheduling
    • Scroll down to view and click the magnifying glass for more information on individual requests.
  4. Even though you have submitted a request, it is not approved until you receive an email from the Office of Registrar. Your schedule will not be changed until then. Your advisor and the course coordinator must both approve your request, then I will review your schedule and make changes as appropriate. Please make sure to review the requirements for the fourth year (Graduation and Track Requirements) to make sure your new schedule will be in compliance. When reviewing drop/add requests, I will take your entire schedule into consideration. For example, you will not be permitted to drop a required course unless you have submitted a request to add it in a different period. You may also view the Fourth Year Academic Calendar to determine the dates for each period.
    Drop/add closes 01/31/23.

  5. Electives Open/Closed Report - Please refer to this report when looking for courses that might have availability. This report will be updated on a weekly basis and does not reflect any pending requests still in the system. This report is meant to serve as a guideline.  


     Instructions for Reading Report

    Please note: Changes are not automatic. There are three levels of approval (coordinator, advisor, registrar). Requests are typically processed within a 2-3 day window, but may be a little longer at the beginning of the year when many students make changes.

    The Electives Open/Closed Report lists each elective in each period, how many slots are offered, and how many have already been taken. For example:





















    Elective Y














    Elective Y is offered in periods 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. (Period 12 is an extra month for remediation purposes.) There are a total of 8 slots available in each of those periods. 3 students are enrolled in period 1, so there are 5 slots available. Period 10 is full.

    For courses offered as a two-week rotation, the total number of spots in one period cannot exceed the number of slots. For example:





















    Elective Z

















    Elective Z

















    Elective Z














    Period A is the first half of the period, and Period B is the second half. In Period 5, the enrollment adds up to 2 people for the four weeks, one four week person, one two week person in A, and one two week person in B. For this course, there cannot be more than 2 students enrolled at any one time. Based on the report, in period 10, either one more student could register for the full four weeks, or one more student could be in both Period A and Period B

Course Key

See Course Key for a definition of sites.

Dept CampusTitlePre-ReqInstructorCoordinator Coordinator EmailSiteWeeksHoursMaxPeriodsType
AnatTampaBMS 8187 Advanced Human AnatomyNoneDr. Srinivas BharadwajDr. Srinivas Bharadwajsribharadwaj@usf.eduUSFMS2,444No Limit 2, 4 - 11Basic Science 
AnatTampaMDE 8521 Applied Head and Neck AnatomyNoneDr. Hector Lopez-CardonaDr. Hector Lopez-Cardonalopezh@usf.eduUSFMS240No Limit 1, 3 - 11Basic Science 
AnatTampaMDE 8522 Applied Anat of the MSK SystemNoneDr. Hector Lopez-CardonaDr. Hector Lopez-Cardonalopezh@usf.eduUSFMS240No Limit 1, 3 - 11Basic Science 
MEL 9999A Indep Study - AnatomyNoneFaculty

USFMS2,444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
AnesthAllentownMDE 8700 Anesthesiology ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Nan SchwannAnne VanderpoolAnne_F.Vanderpool@lvhn.orgLVHN2,4501 1 - 11Clinical
AnesthTampaMDE 8700 Anesthesiology ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Raymond EvansKelly BelgerKelly.Belger@moffitt.org MCC4501 1 - 11Clinical
AnesthTampaMDE 8700 Anesthesiology Elective Yr 4 StatusDr. Jason HallMaggie LarwaMargarita_Larwa@teamhealth.comTGH4504 1 - 11Clinical
AnesthTampaMDE 8700 Anesthesiology ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Leland LeeHeather Kimreyheather.kimrey@va.govT-VAH45012, 3, 4Clinical
MEL 7320Z Externship - AnesthesiologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 10Externship
DermAllentownMDE 8251  Clinical DermatologyYr 4 StatusDr. Richard McClainMichelle Brownmbrown@adaltd.comLVHN4401 1, 3-7, 9-11Clinical  
DermTampaMDE 8251 Clinical DermatologyYr 4 StatusDr. Nishit PatelAshley Sanfordasanford@usf.eduMCAH440-444 1 - 11Clinical
DermTampaMDE 8536 Elective in DermatopathologyYr 4 StatusDr. Paul Rodriguez-WaitkusAshley Sanfordasanford@usf.eduUSFMS440-442 1 - 11Clinical
DermTampaMDT 8250 Special Topics in DermatologyNone, Yr 3 onlyDr. Nishit PatelAshley Sanfordasanford@usf.eduUSFMS2402 1 - 12Clinical
MEL 7320L Externship in DermatologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
MEL 9999L Indep Study in DermatologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
Emerg MedAllentownMDE 8714 Intro to Medical ToxicologyYr 4 StatusDr. Ryan SurmaitisDawn YenserDawn.Yenser@lvhn.orgLVHN4401 2 - 5, 7 - 11Clinical
Emerg MedTampaMDE 8714 Intro to Medical ToxicologyYr 4 StatusDr. Justin ArnoldMichelle Massey mmassey@tgh.orgTGH4402 3,5,6,8Clinical
Emerg MedAllentownMDI 8710 AI in Emergency MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Deepak JayantDawn YenserDawn.Yenser@lvhn.orgLVHN440-442 1 - 8Clinical
Emerg MedTampaMDI 8710 AI in Emergency MedicineIntro to EMDr. Andrew ThomasBrittany Olsonbrittanyanneolson@usf.eduTGH440-448 1 - 11Clinical
Emerg MedTampaMDR 8710 Research in Emergency MedicineNoneDr. Jason WilsonBrittany Olsonbrittanyanneolson@usf.eduTGH2,4402 1 - 11Research
Emerg MedTampaMDT 8710 Intro to Emergency MedicineNoneAnish Zachariah, MDBrittany Olsonbrittanyanneolson@usf.eduTGH2, 4405 1 -  12 Clinical
Emerg Med
MEL 7320Q Extern-Emergency MedicineYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
Emerg MedAllentownMEL 8580 Pediatric Emergency MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Susan YeagerDawn YenserDawn.Yenser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC 4401 1 - 11Clinical
Emerg Med
MEL 9999Q Indep Study in Emergency MedIntro to EM, Adult Med, Pri CareFaculty

USFMS or LVHN2,444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
Family MedTampaMDE 8044 Int'l Medical Spanish/CultureYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduEXT440No Limit 1 - 9Clinical
Family MedAllentownMDE 8104 Complex Care in the CommunityYr 4 StatusDr. Abby LecherCrystal WalkerCrystal.Walker@lvhn.orgLVHN44021,3,5,7,9,11Clinical
Family MedTampaMDE 8585 Elective in Sports MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Eric CorisLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduMCAH440-501 5,6Clinical
Family MedTampaMDI 8120 Acting Internship Family MedYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduBFMC440-501 7 - 11Clinical
Family MedAllentownMDI 8120 Acting Internship Family MedYr 4 StatusDr. Veronica BrohmCrystal WalkerCrystal.Walker@lvhn.orgLVHN440-502 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMDI 8120 Acting Internship Family MedYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduMPMHC440-501 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 7267 International Health Elective Yr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduEXT440-504 1 - 9Clinical
Family Med
MEL 7320F Externship in Family MedicineYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 9Externship
Family MedTampaMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency ElectYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.edu MPMHC2,440-442 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency Elective Yr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.edu TMH2,440-442 2 - 8Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduBFMC2,440-442 1, 3 - 6, 8 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduFH 2,440-442  1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency Elective Yr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduHH 2,440-442 3 - 7Clinical
Family MedAllentownMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency ElectYr 4 StatusDr. Veronica BrohmCrystal WalkerCrystal.Walker@lvhn.orgLVHN2,440-503 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency Elective Yr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduSVMC2,440-442 1, 7 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8263 Public Sector Medicine ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. John Petrilli Linda Giordanolindag@usf.eduUSFMS2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8264 Family Medicine Elective - Med Clinics Yr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduMCAH4442 1 - 9, 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8265 Family Medicine Preceptorship Yr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduCF2,444-501 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8272 Women's Health Elective Yr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduMPMHC2501 1 - 5, 10 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8273 Fam Med Flexible ElectYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo GonzalezLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduMPMHC2,4403 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8273 Fam Med Flexible Elect-InpatientYr 4 StatusDr. Karim HannaLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduTGH4402 1 - 11Clinical
Family Med
MEL 9999F Indep Study - Family MedicineYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS or LVHN2,440No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
Int MedTampaMDE 8037 Occupational Medicine ElectiveNoneDr. Rachel WilliamsLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,4401 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedAllentownMDE 8140 Geriatric MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Neti VoraMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC 2,4401 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedAllentownMDE 8150 Intro to Palliative Med and HospiceNoneDr. David GibbonsMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC4441 1,4,5,6,9,10Clinical
Int MedTampaMDE 8150 Intro to Palliative Med and HospiceNoneDr. Amanda WilsonLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH4441 1-6, 9-11Clinical
Int MedAllentownMDE 8226 Cardiology Acute Coronary CareYr 4 StatusDr. Larry JacobsMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVHN2,4502 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedAllentownMDE 8280 Hematology and OncologyYr 4 StatusDr. William SciallaMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVHN4401 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedAllentownMDE 8320 Infectious Disease ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Brian FrielMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,4402 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedAllentownMDI 8200 Acting Medicine InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Clark VeetMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440-646 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMDI 8200 Acting Medicine InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Olga KlinkovaLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduMCC440-641 1-2, 4-11Clinical
Int MedTampaMDI 8200 Acting Medicine InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Kevin O'BrienLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH440-645 1-2, 4-11Clinical
Int MedTampaMDI 8200 Acting Medicine InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Kevin O'BrienLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH440-645 1-2, 4-11Clinical
Int MedTampaMDI 9202 Honors AI in Internal MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Olga KlinkovaLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduMCC46413Clinical
Int MedTampaMDI 9202 Honors AI in Internal MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Kevin O'BrienLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH46453Clinical
Int MedTampaMDI 9202 Honors AI in Internal MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Kevin O'BrienLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH46453Clinical
Int MedTampaYr 4 StatusDr. Narasaiah KolliputiLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH4441 1 - 11Research
Int MedTampaMDT 8200C Adv Concepts-GastroenterologyYr 4 StatusDr. Patrick BradyLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduUSFMS2406 10ABasic Science
Int MedTampaMDT 8200E Adv Respiratory PathophysiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Kendall MorrisLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduUSFMS24010 11ABasic Science
Int Med
MEL 7320M Extern-Internal MedicineYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
Int MedTampaMEL 7388 Intro to Sleep MedicineAdult Med, Pri CareDr. William AndersonLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 7388 Intro to Sleep MedicineAdult Med, Pri CareDr. William AndersonLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8121 Hospital Med & Patient SafetyAdult Med, Pri CareAlexander Reiss, MDLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2401 1,2 4A, 5B, 6, 7A, 8B - 11Clinical
Int MedAllentownMEL 8305 Clinical Endo & MetabolismYr 4 StatusDr. Gretchen PerilliMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,440-441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8305 Clinical Endo & MetabolismAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Joaquin Gomez-DaspetLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH440-441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedAllentownMEL 8306 Gastroenterology ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Paola G BlancoMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,4441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8306 Gastroenterology ElectiveAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Patrick BradyLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduMCAH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8306 Gastroenterology ElectiveAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Patrick BradyLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8306 Gastroenterology ElectiveAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Patrick BradyLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,4441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8310 Infect Disease & Interntl MedAdult Med, Pri CareDr. John GreeneLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduMCC2,4444 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8310 Infect Disease & Interntl MedAdult Med, Pri CareDr. John SinnottLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4443 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8310 Infect Disease & Interntl MedAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Sandra GompfLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedAllentownMEL 8313 Clinical NephrologyYr 4 StatusDr. Sharon MaynardMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440-442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8313 Clinical NephrologyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Jacques DurrLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,440-441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8313 Clinical NephrologyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Jorge LamarcheLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,440-441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8315 Clinical Allergy/ImmunologyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Mark GlaumLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,440-442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8335 General Int Med Consult SrvcAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Kevin O'BrienLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8335 General Internal Medicine Consult ServiceYr 4 StatusDr. Olga KlinkovaLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduMCC4441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedAllentownMEL 8339 Rheumatology Clinical ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. James RossMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,4441*1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8339 Rheumatology Clinical ElectiveNoneDr. Loutfi SuccariLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduMOR/TGH/VA/STC2,4402 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8340 Pulmonary DiseaseAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Karel CaleroLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8340 Pulmonary DiseaseAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Ana NegronLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8351 Harvey Elective in CardiologyYr 4 StatusDawn SchockenLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduUSFMS444153,5,7,9,10Basic Science
Int MedTampaMEL 8357 Infects Trnsplnt Med/ImmunocomAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Jose MonteroLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8363 Infections in ICUAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Jose MonteroLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8368 Emerg Med Outside the Hospital Yr 4 StatusDr. Rachel SemmonsLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8953 Integrative Clinical SkillsYr 4 StatusDr. Nikesh KapadiaLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH4401211Clinical
Int Med
MEL 9999M Indep Study-Internal MedAdult Med, Pri CareFaculty

USFMS or LVHN2,440No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
Int Med AllentownMDE 8224 Consultative CardiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Larry JacobsMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC 2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int Med TampaMDE 8224 Consultative CardiologyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Xavier PridaLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int Med TampaMDE 8224 Consultative CardiologyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Fabio LeonelliLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
InterdeptTampaBMS 6994 Schol Conc ElectiveNoneDr. Susan Pross

USFMS444No Limit 1 - 8
InterdeptAllentownMDC 8340 Critical Care MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Daniel Schwed-Lustgarten Melissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440-802 1 - 11Clinical
InterdeptAllentownMDC 8340 Critical Care MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Daniel Schwed-Lustgarten Melissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-M440-801 1 - 11Clinical
InterdeptTampaMDC 8340 Critical Care MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Jennifer Cox Taylor Tamar Cassagnoltcassagnol@usf.eduUSFMS440-8011-5, 8-11Clinical
InterdeptTampaMDE 8030 BRIDGE Clinic Elective (Directors)Yr 4 Status, BRIDGE DirectorDr. Eduardo Gonzalez

USFMS4445Semester 1 (Periods 1-6) Semester 2 (Periods 7-11)
InterdeptTampaMDE 8030 BRIDGE Mentor LongitudinalYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalez

USFMS4446Semester 1 (Periods 1-6) Semester 2 (Periods 7-11)
InterdeptTampaMDE 8040 Medical Spanish Yr 4 StatusDr. Hector Lopez-CardonaDr. Hector Lopez-Cardonalopezh@usf.eduUSFMS44560Semester 1 (Periods 1-6) Semester 2 (Periods 7-11)
InterdeptTampaMDE 8107 Street Medicine Elective NoneDr. Asa Oxner

InterdeptTampaMDE 8393 Diving and Hyperbaric MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Joseph DituriDr. Joseph Dituridituri@usf.eduUSFMS24011, 5, 9, 11Clinical
InterdeptTampaMDE 8720 Outdoor Medicine ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Ryan NaughtinDr. Ryan Naughtinrnaughti@usf.eduUSFMS444No LimitSemester 1 (1 - 6), Semester 2 (7-11)Clinical
InterdeptAllentownMDE 8920 SELECT 4Yr 4 StatusDr. Marna GreenbergDavida LeaymanDavida_M.Leayman@lvhn.orgLVHN240No Limit 1A, 10BSELECT
InterdeptTampaMDE 8942 Clinical Enrichment ElectiveNoneDr. Vinita Kiluk

USFMS2,440No Limit 1 - 11Clinical
InterdeptAllentownMDE 8950 SELECT CapstoneYr 4 StatusDr. Bryan KaneAngela DavisAngela.Davis@lvhn.orgLVHN444No LimitSemester 1 (1 - 6), Semester 2 (7-11)SELECT
InterdeptAllentownMDT 8010 Specialty EPAYr 4 StatusFaculty

LVHN240No Limit10AClinical
InterdeptTampaMDT 8010 Specialty EPA Yr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS240No Limit10AClinical
InterdeptTampaMEL 8954 Becoming the Physician EducatorYr 4 StatusDr. Vinita Kiluk

Med EducationTampaMDE 8090 Doctoring IV (Core Section)Yr 4 StatusDr. Antoinette Spoto-CannonsSasha Afanadorafanadors@usf.eduUSFMS4414No LimitSemester 1 (Periods 1-6) Semester 2 (Periods 7-11)
Med EducationTampaMDE 8090 Doctoring IV (SELECT section)Yr 4 StatusDr. Antoinette Spoto-CannonsSasha Afanadorafanadors@usf.eduUSFMS446No LimitSemester 1 (Periods 1-6) Semester 2 (Periods 7-11)
Molec Pharm PhysioTampaBMS 7560 Research in PhysiologyNoneDr. Jessica Dominguez RiegDr. Jessica Dominguez Riegjdominguezrieg@usf.eduUSFMS2,4444 1 - 11Research
Molec Pharm Physio
MEL 9999D Indep Study - PharmacologyNoneFaculty

USFMS2,444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
Molec Pharm Physio
MEL 9999H Indep Study - PharmacologyNoneFaculty

USFMS2,444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
NeurologyTampaMDE 8580 Intro to Physical Med & RehabNoneDr. Marissa McCarthyShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduT-VAH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyAllentownMDE 8580 Intro to Physical Med & RehabYr 4 StatusDr. Jeffrey RadeckiDavida LeaymanDavida_M.Leayman@lvhn.orgLVHN2,4441 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyAllentownMDE 8804 Senior Elective in Neurocritical CareYr 4 StatusDr. Christopher MelinoskyMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC4401 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyTampaMDE 8804 Senior Elective in Neurocritical CareYr 4 StatusDr. Keith DombroskiShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduTGH44013 - 9, 11Clinical
NeurologyTampaMDR 8800 Research in NeurologyNoneDr. Charles BrockShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduUSFMS2,4442 1 - 11Research
NeurologyTampaMDT 8800 Neuroimmuno in Neuro DiseaseYr 4 StatusDr. Marzenna WiranowskaShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduUSFMS240-60210BBasic Science 
MEL 7320N Externship - NeurologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
NeurologyAllentownMEL 8671 Elect in Inpatient Gen NeuroYr 4 StatusDr. Jay VarratoMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVHN2,4401 1 - 11Clin