Registration, Report Mapping and Institution ID

Registration, Report Mapping and Institution ID

Welcome to the Registration, Report Mapping and Institution ID component.

Registration Cycle Process Flow
  1. The Keyholder receives the registration and temporary password emails

  2. Data coordinator at SSRA updates the permanent password for the unit id

  3. Run mapping by Financial Aid and get sign off.
  4. Verify and validates the reporting map with respect to the current year

  5. Verify and validates the Identification page with respect to contact and Web address links

  6. Assign survey component contacts as IPEDS additional users and get confirmation on userID/password for additional users
  7. Complete Institutional Characteristics component with respect to information about the institution

  8. Verify and validate the IC component with the Keyholder

  9. Run the edit report and lock the survey component 

  10. ODS to alert senior leadership about the IPEDS cycle kicking off after registration
Reporting Documentation

Submission YearReporting CriteriaCommentsType

2024-25University of South Florida - Pasco-Hernando CC removed from Reporting Map

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