2023-2024 IPEDS Meeting minutes & Lessons

Meeting minutes


@Xiaoying Liu ,@Kevin Meleedy , @Brisey Lopez Bello , @Shruti Kumar, @Chirag Jain


  1. Reflect on the 2024 IPEDS cycle.

  2. Document lessons learned in the form of Start, Stop, Continue. View latest version of the document here:  https://usf.app.box.com/file/1526811481241

  3. Discuss Next Steps on Approved items. 


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Include all stakeholders. All relevant documents can also be shared etc. </td> <td class="x17">Send a note coming from Valeria to all stakeholders and their supervisors, explaining the importance of the process. This will help the units to take ownership on the process. - Kick off email at the cycle start. - Follow up at the start of each specific submission. - Brisey to work with the team on the teams channel. </td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:76.5pt" id="r3"> <td class="x17" style="height:75pt">Communication </td> <td class="x17">Improve on team communication, always involve PM on project related activities, emails. </td> <td class="x28">Brisey/Lessons Learned</td> <td class="x17">Approved</td> <td class="x17"></td> <td class="x17">Communicate, communicate, communicate.</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:106.5pt" id="r4"> <td class="x17" style="height:105pt">Communication </td> <td class="x17">Provide detailed status during project meetings by sharing clear communication on progress, blockers, estimated dates of completion. </td> <td class="x28">Brisey/Lessons Learned</td> <td class="x17">Approved</td> <td class="x17"></td> <td class="x17"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:106.5pt" id="r5"> <td class="x17" style="height:105pt">Roles and Responsibilities </td> <td class="x17">Shruti and Adam to provide appoval on data for the cycles final reviews.</td> <td class="x28">Valeria/Brisey/ Lessons Learned</td> <td class="x17">Approved</td> <td class="x17">Requires further review regarding approval process, meeting attendees for final review. <br />What would this look like? - AMC</td> <td class="x17">Valeria- We will schedule the final review meeting with the Directors a week prior the lock date. Then we will schedule a debrief meeting with Valeria. </td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:106.5pt" id="r6"> <td class="x17" style="height:105pt">Website </td> <td class="x17">Add completed surveys to the ODS website as they are submitted<span style="mso-spacerun:yes;font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;">  </span>and not wait for all to be done for the year to add them. </td> <td class="x28">Shruti</td> <td class="x17">Approved</td> <td class="x17"></td> <td class="x17">Xioying to reach out to the CMS team after each submission for the surveys to bepublished as they get completed. - Brisey to touch base with Xiaoying on this. </td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:121.5pt" id="r7"> <td class="x17" style="height:120pt">Communication </td> <td class="x17">Provide high level summary at the end of a cycle for Valeria (assuming all surveys were cleared to be approved and no escalations); </td> <td class="x28">Brisey? Adam/Shruti? </td> <td class="x17">Approved</td> <td class="x17"></td> <td class="x17">Involve Valeria when there are any issues or specific feedback is needed. When changes appear, a rationale has to be provided. - Bring up changes in trends to Valeria. - </td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:60.75pt" id="r8"> <td class="x17" style="height:59.25pt">Communication </td> <td class="x17">Include an overview of changes to surveys per cycle at kick-off (email or meeting)</td> <td class="x28">Valeria</td> <td class="x17">Approved</td> <td class="x17"></td> <td class="x17">Include this information on the kick-off email. </td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:106.5pt" id="r9"> <td class="x17" style="height:105pt">Feedback from other offices </td> <td class="x17">soliciting feedback from stakeholders involved in the IPEDS submission process to identify areas for improvement and address any concerns.</td> <td class="x28">Shruti</td> <td class="x17">Not Approved</td> <td class="x17"></td> <td class="x17"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:198pt" id="r10"> <td class="x17" style="height:196.5pt">Project Management </td> <td class="x17">Add all IPEDS Surveys to the EDR process</td> <td class="x28"></td> <td class="x17">Approved</td> <td class="x17"></td> <td class="x17">Create or connect Jira issues on the EDR board. - Kevin to prep sign off documents for all surveys. - Directors and Valeria should sign off. - Sign off should happen after the Final Review meeting. - The Project Management for all surveys will be kept as is. - Documentation should be all in a sigle box folder. </td> </tr> <tr class="x29" style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15.75pt" id="r11"> <td colspan="6" class="x34" style="border-right:1px solid windowtext;border-bottom:1px solid windowtext;height:14.25pt">STOP</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r12"> <td class="x20" style="height:13.5pt">Category</td> <td class="x20">Item </td> <td class="x19">Contributor</td> <td class="x20">Status </td> <td class="x20">Comments from team</td> <td class="x20">Notes during the meeting</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:30.75pt" id="r13"> <td class="x27" style="height:29.25pt">IPEDS HR</td> <td class="x27">Survey</td> <td class="x26">Adam</td> <td class="x27">Not approved</td> <td class="x27">Hand off to HR, stop participating</td> <td class="x27">Sad face</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r14"> <td class="x27" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x26"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r15"> <td class="x27" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x26"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r16"> <td class="x27" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x26"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r17"> <td class="x27" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x26"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r18"> <td class="x27" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x26"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r19"> <td class="x27" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x26"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r20"> <td class="x27" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x26"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r21"> <td class="x27" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x26"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r22"> <td class="x27" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x26"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> <td class="x27"></td> </tr> <tr class="x29" style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15.75pt" id="r23"> <td colspan="6" class="x35" style="border-right:1px solid windowtext;border-bottom:1px solid windowtext;height:14.25pt">CONTINUE</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r24"> <td class="x22" style="height:13.5pt">Category</td> <td class="x22">Item </td> <td class="x21">Contributor</td> <td class="x22">Status </td> <td class="x22">Comments from team</td> <td class="x22">Notes during the meeting</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:76.5pt" id="r25"> <td class="x25" style="height:75pt">Communication </td> <td class="x25">Be very specific with timelines with the External Units. Check status regularly to avoid delays. </td> <td class="x24">Brisey and Kevin </td> <td class="x25">Approved</td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:76.5pt" id="r26"> <td class="x30" style="height:75pt">Project Management </td> <td class="x30">Utilize a Project Plan in Jira and Confluence reports as the main tools for project planning and tracking </td> <td class="x31">Brisey</td> <td class="x25">Approved</td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:45.75pt" id="r27"> <td class="x30" style="height:44.25pt">Project Management </td> <td class="x30">Document Lessons Learned during project execution </td> <td class="x31">Brisey</td> <td class="x25">Approved</td> <td class="x25">Team involvement. </td> <td class="x25"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:30.75pt" id="r28"> <td class="x30" style="height:29.25pt">Project Management </td> <td class="x30">Regular meetings</td> <td class="x31">Brisey</td> <td class="x25">Approved</td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:137.25pt" id="r29"> <td class="x25" style="height:135.75pt">Project Management </td> <td class="x25">Manage HR survey as an internal deliverable. Involve Adam and Chirag since project kick off. Bring them back to the regular meetings during the Spring Cycle and Spring Cycle final review. </td> <td class="x25">Brisey</td> <td class="x25">Approved</td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:60.75pt" id="r30"> <td class="x25" style="height:59.25pt">Documentation</td> <td class="x25">Add IPEDS documentation for all surveys in August to Box folder for the cycle</td> <td class="x24">Kevin</td> <td class="x25">Approved</td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:45.75pt" id="r31"> <td class="x25" style="height:44.25pt">EDR process</td> <td class="x25">Distribute EDR sign off for the external surveys</td> <td class="x24">Kevin </td> <td class="x25">Approved</td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r32"> <td class="x25" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x24"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r33"> <td class="x25" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x24"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r34"> <td class="x25" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x24"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r35"> <td class="x25" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x24"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> </tr> <tr style="mso-height-source:userset;height:15pt" id="r36"> <td class="x25" style="height:13.5pt"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> <td class="x25"></td> </tr> <tr style="display:none"> <td style="width:81.75pt"></td> <td style="width:114pt"></td> <td style="width:117.75pt"></td> <td style="width:63pt"></td> <td style="width:120pt"></td> <td style="width:122.25pt"></td> </tr> </tbody></table></div>


@Xiaoying Liu ,@Kevin Meleedy , @Brisey Lopez Bello , @Shruti Kumar


  1. Spring cycle-.


Spring cycle- Final Review.

  1. HR survey- Work is Done from Chirag’s end. Survey is ready to be locked.

  2. All other surveys approved and ready to be locked.

  3. Xiaoying to lock surveys by April 3rd.

  4. Valeria recommended that for upcoming cycles, Adam signs off on the HR survey, treating this as an internal survey.

  5. Valeria also recommended that Shruti signs off on the data/surveys that are done by Xiaoying. Therefore final review meetings should be managed with the Directors.

  6. Valeria will be involved when items needs further review, escalation or major decisions need to be made. The team will communicate accordingly.

  7. Point 4, 5 and 5 will be reviewed during the Retrospective.


@Xiaoying Liu ,@Kevin Meleedy , @Brisey Lopez Bello , @Shruti Kumar, @Chirag Jain


  1. Spring cycle-.


Spring cycle- Final Review.

  1. HR survey- Work is Done from Chirag’s end. Survey is ready to be locked.

    1. Kevin will send the sign off form by EOD. 3/20/204.

  2. Sign off documents are ready and will be completed before Chirag goes on vacation. March 23rd. - Kevin.

  3. Academic Libraries. - They provided data, Xiaoying reviewed to make sure that the survey has no errors. - Survey ready to be locked.

    1. Kevin to send sign off by EOD.

  4. Finance - Kevin to check on progress with the unit.

  5. Fall enrollment. - Xiaoying is still working with IT for the change that needs to be implemented regarding former students returning that are being excluded from the IPEDS survey. - Expected to be ready sometime next week. - Xiaoying needs to review what IT has done so far to outline potential changes that need further review/implementation. - Xiaoying to work with IT to finalize work by Wed March 27th, she will then have two more days to work on the survey. April 1st is final review.

General discussion.

  1. Team was reminded that we should CC PM and BA and all project communications.

Action items


  2. Brisey to reach out to Chirag regarding the HR survey status and final review meeting. - Brisey, 01.10.2024 - DONE

  3. Shruti and Xiaoying to further review the issue regarding the Admissions survey. - 01.19.2024. - DONE.

  4. Create initiative and epics for documentation purposes only. - Brisey, 10.24.2023 - DONE

  5. Draft 12 months enrollment workflow and Completions. - Kevin, 10.31.2023 - DONE

  6. Draft IC Header workflow. - Kevin, 09.05.2023- DONE.

  7. Create Project Plan in Jira. - Brisey, 08.29.2023 - DONE.

  8. Setup bi-weekly meetings and final review meetings. - Brisey. - 08.29.2023 - Check on the final review for Fall, Winter and Spring. - DONE.

  9. Reach out to Valeria regarding Registration link. - Brisey, 08.09.2023 - DONE

  10. Review changes for upcoming cycle to further discuss with the team and communicate to IT. - Xiaoying, Chirag. 08.15.2023 - DONE. -


@Xiaoying Liu ,@Kevin Meleedy , @Brisey Lopez Bello , @Shruti Kumar, @Chirag Jain


  1. Spring cycle-.


Spring cycle- Final Review.

  1. HR survey- On track to finalize work on March 15th. - Chirag.

  2. Sign off documents are ready and will be completed before Chirag goes on vacation. March 23rd. - Kevin.

  3. Academic Libraries and Finance- In Progress, no blockers identified. AL informed that they should be done by next Friday.

    1. Sign off documents ready for these.

  4. Fall enrollment - Xiaoying is working on it. - Working with IT. Former students returning that are being excluded from the IPEDS survey. - IT has to implement a change to fix this.

    1. Waiting on Valeria’s confirmation to make the change. - Xiaoying to email Valeria about this and CC Kevin and Brisey.

General discussion.

  1. Team had a conversation regarding the importance of keeping PM and BA appraised and looped in on every communication.

    1. Also discussed the importance of sharing detailed status on the project meetings regardless of the topic being discussed on internal team meetings.

Action items


  2. Brisey to reach out to Chirag regarding the HR survey status and final review meeting. - Brisey, 01.10.2024 - DONE

  3. Shruti and Xiaoying to further review the issue regarding the Admissions survey. - 01.19.2024. - DONE.

  4. Create initiative and epics for documentation purposes only. - Brisey, 10.24.2023 - DONE

  5. Draft 12 months enrollment workflow and Completions. - Kevin, 10.31.2023 - DONE

  6. Draft IC Header workflow. - Kevin, 09.05.2023- DONE.

  7. Create Project Plan in Jira. - Brisey, 08.29.2023 - DONE.

  8. Setup bi-weekly meetings and final review meetings. - Brisey. - 08.29.2023 - Check on the final review for Fall, Winter and Spring. - DONE.

  9. Reach out to Valeria regarding Registration link. - Brisey, 08.09.2023 - DONE

  10. Review changes for upcoming cycle to further discuss with the team and communicate to IT. - Xiaoying, Chirag. 08.15.2023 - DONE. -


@Xiaoying Liu ,@Kevin Meleedy , @Brisey Lopez Bello , @Shruti Kumar


  1. Winter cycle-


Winter cycle- Final Review.

  1. Fall Enrollment survey - Not started yet as Xiaoying has other ongoing projects.

    1. She will start working on this sometime in March. Target March 10th.

  2. External surveys - Kevin sent kick off email to the units. - He got confirmation from Academic Libraries about the work being started.

    1. Kevin to follow up with Finance to get status/progress.

  3. HR survey- Brisey confirmed with Chirag that work will start beginning of March so that the work can be finalized before he goes on vacation (March 21st). -

Action items


  2. Brisey to reach out to Chirag regarding the HR survey status and final review meeting. - Brisey, 01.10.2024 - DONE

  3. Shruti and Xiaoying to further review the issue regarding the Admissions survey. - 01.19.2024. - DONE.

  4. Create initiative and epics for documentation purposes only. - Brisey, 10.24.2023 - DONE

  5. Draft 12 months enrollment workflow and Completions. - Kevin, 10.31.2023 - DONE

  6. Draft IC Header workflow. - Kevin, 09.05.2023- DONE.

  7. Create Project Plan in Jira. - Brisey, 08.29.2023 - DONE.

  8. Setup bi-weekly meetings and final review meetings. - Brisey. - 08.29.2023 - Check on the final review for Fall, Winter and Spring. - DONE.

  9. Reach out to Valeria regarding Registration link. - Brisey, 08.09.2023 - DONE

  10. Review changes for upcoming cycle to further discuss with the team and communicate to IT. - Xiaoying, Chirag. 08.15.2023 - DONE. -

Process Highlights- FOR PM/TEAM REFERENCE

Registration Cycle

  1. The Registration link is sent to the keyholder on the second Wednesday of August. Keyholder is required to share this with the team, since they don’t receive this information directly.


  1. We have dependencies from IT for all internal surveys, with the exception of Institutional Characteristics.

Lessons Learned

Financial Aid, Lesson Learned: Double check the questions with them before sending them out to IPEDS. The other option is having them outline the questions in a clear and proper way.

Provide them with clear dates to allow team to finalize sign off or anything.