GW Health Workforce Institute

GW Health Workforce Institute

The GW Health Workforce Institute's (GWHWI) mission is to strengthen health workforce policies in the United States and around the world. The health workforce is an essential component of health care systems; policies that address its quality, supply, distribution, and organization hold the keys to improving access to high quality and affordable health care.


  • The Social Mission Metrics Initiative is a project aimed to create a set of metrics to measure social mission in dental, medical, and nursing schools across the United States.
  • The Social Mission of a health professions school is the contribution of the school in its mission, programs, and the performance of its graduates, faculty and leadership in advancing health equity and addressing the health disparities of the society in which it exists.
  • The Social Mission Self-Assessment is a survey aimed to give health professions school leaders an overview of the state of social mission at their schools. It is an online questionnaire that is completed by the dean or other school leader of a medical, dental, or nursing school.
  • The Social Mission Metrics Initiative is not designed to rank schools based on social mission. There will be no publicly or privately available ranking of participating schools. This exercise is intended to increase school’s awareness of their own social mission.

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