International Student OpenDoors Survey 201808 (IIE)

International Student OpenDoors Survey 201808 (IIE)

Purpose/Benefit to USF World

Purpose: Allows USF to compare it's international enrollment data to other institutions in the U.S.

How will this data be used by External Entity: IIE will combine the data from all participating institutions to generate reports on international student trends, ranking, etc. 

This submission is related to: Rankings

Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange 

Annual Census of International Students 

Fall 2018 –Instructions

The information provided is used to calculate the detailed statistics reported in the Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange.  As an Open Doors participant, a complimentary copy of the Open Doors Report will be sent to the primary survey contact at each participating institution. 

The quality and validity of the data in the Open Doors Report depends on the level of detail provided by degree-granting institutions. We encourage you to provide detailed data on all characteristics. If you are unable to provide complete details, any information is useful, including estimates, partial data, data only for certain sections, or simply reporting that there were no international students at your institution.  For information about Open Doors and the types of data reported, see www.iie.org/opendoors

A printable worksheet and instructions are currently available for download at www.iie.org/surveyforms if you wish to collect your data prior to entering it in the online system. 

Your  Unit  ID  and  password/PIN  to  log  into  the  survey  can  be  found  in  the data  request  e-mail  from opendoors@iie.org.    

Questions? E-mail us at opendoors@iie.orgg or call (212) 984-5588

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