MBA Roundtable


The MBA Roundtable is a global association of business schools whose mission is to advance graduate management education through curricular and co-curricular innovation.

To fulfill its mission, the MBA Roundtable strives to:

  • Create forums to challenge, debate, and shape the future of graduate mangement education (GME) and its curricular content and design
  • Conducts research and studies and arranges events
  • Equip business school deans, faculty and administrators with data, knowledge, resources to lead change and innovation in their school
  • Promote and recognize business schools that innovate and lead change in the field
  • Contribute to the efforts of graduate management associations

“MBA Roundtable is much more than just a great resource for current thinking on the MBA - it is also a great resource for the latest thinking in specialized masters programs and portfolio approaches to graduate management education.”
Brian Cameron, Associate Dean for Professional Graduate Programs, Penn State Smeal College of Business

"I firmly believe that the work of the MBAR is essential to our industry. MBAR is one of the few if only professional organizations that focuses on the curriculum -- the content, format, pedagogy,delivery and technology -- with an goal to identify trends, seek innovation,discover unique breakthroughs, and most importantly, share these findings with the other members of graduate management community."

Joe Fox, MBA Roundtable President - 2014-2017, Former Associate Dean, Washington University

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