Getting started

Getting started

Using your web browser navigate to https://usfprod.crm.dynamics.com and login using your NetID.


(A) will show which app you are currently using, Click on it to open the App Selection Menu. Your options may vary from what is displayed below.

(B) Admissions App

(C) Events App

(D) Marketing App

This area contains several user options you can use to change how dynamics is displayed to you.

You may want to see more records per page or fewer for example, you can choose from 50 - 250.

You can create personal email templates and email signatures here as well however we recommend using the departmental templates discussed under the Queues page instead.


It is important to note that the Contextual Help pages contain different information dependent on which area of dynamics you are currently viewing.

These pages are user generated and can be edited by dynamics users. Please use these pages to add useful tips or important notes for your fellow Dynamics Users.


This is an example page found on the Event Entity