IT Equipment Recycling - Tampa Campus

IT Equipment Recycling - Tampa Campus


This article explains the Tampa Campus procedure for IT equipment recycling. If you work for a group in which staff does not have NetIDs assigned, you will need to partner with someone who does to have them complete the form.

IT Equipment Recycling Procedure

We advise users to read the instructions before clicking on the link. 

The request to pick-up IT Equipment for recycling can be completed in the SC Logic system. To access this system, click on the link below.

Tech Recycle Request Form

  1. Click on the Tech Recycle Request icon on the SC Logic page. 

  2. Click on Log in with USF SSO to complete the USF single sign-on and open the Tech Recycle Request.  

    Do not use the fields after or to sign on.

  3. Enter your name with last name first on the Tech Recycle Request form. 

    All items marked with a red star are required information. 

  4. Click Submit. 

Form submission will notify USF Tampa Central Receiving that your department has IT Recycle Equipment to be picked up. USF Tampa Central Receiving will contact the requesting department to set up a date and time to pick up the equipment. Only equipment listed on the form will be picked up.

Remember this pickup requirement is limited to data containing devices and associated peripherals such as desktop computers, laptops and tablets. Larger items, such as, printers and copiers are not included in this procedure.