Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
This page provides basic instructions on setting up Blackboard Collaborate Ultra in your Canvas course.
If you don't see Blackboard Collaborate Ultra in your course navigation menu,
- With the item in your navigation menu, click on it.
- Click on Create Session.
- In the panel that comes up, give it a name. For ongoing usage we recommend checking the box for No end (open session). That way you won't have to create a new session each class meeting.
- Click Join Session.
- You may get a popup asking you to check your audio quality. Make sure you see the purple bar moving as you speak into the mic, along with the You sound great! displayed. If it isn't showing, you may need to select the correct mic from the dropdown menu. Also make sure the physical device is not muted (switch located on the top). If it looks good, click the Yes - It's working button.
- You may then get a popup asking you to confirm your video quality. In most cases in the classroom, you won't be using video, so you can ignore this. If you do want to use the device, it will be the document camera attached to your teaching station, so adjust that as needed.
- You may get a popup offering to show you additional tutorials on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. Unless you feel inclined to view them now, you can click Later. They will remain available in your session menu, under Tell me about Collaborate.
- Now look at the bottom of your screen, it should look like this:
Click on the microphone to open audio sharing. After you do it should look like this, with the mic icon filling white as you speak into it: