Semester Seats Analysis – End of Term

Semester Seats Analysis – End of Term

Part of Student Success Hub

maintained by Student Success Research and Analytics

Semester Seats Analysis – End of Term Report  

This report provide a summary of the number of sections, course section enrollment, seats available and gross SCH by budget unit (funding campus), college, department and course level. Current numbers are shown in comparison to the previous year end of term numbers. 

Data Source: Banner
Refresh schedule:  Twice daily. The “Last Refreshed” timestamp on each page indicates the time when the data was last refreshed.

Report pages
  • Summary of sections by one USF structure -> Provides a summary of the number of sections, seats filled, seats available and gross SCH by budget unit (funding campus), college, department and course level
  • Part of Term Summary  ->Provides the summary numbers by part of term
  • Course Level summary ->Provides the summary numbers by course level
  • Section Type summary ->Provides the summary numbers by section type
  • Modality → Provides the summary numbers by course section modality

     NOTE: Filters are available on each page to view number by semester, part of term, active/held sections (by default active sections are selected), budget unit(funding campus) and college.

All of the pages on this report provide drill throughs to course section level details. Right-clicking into a data cell in the data table shows the "Drill through" option.  

Data ElementData SourceDescriptionReport Page

Active/Held Sections


Active sections are the sections currently active on the Banner Course Schedule. These are coded SSBSECT_SSTS_CODE = 'A'. Held sections are those with an SSBSECT_SSTS_CODE = 'H' and are on stand by and may be opened if needed.


Budget Unit or Funding campus


This is the operating unit associated with the course section. Maintained in the Banner Schedule Override form.




Global College code (derived using xref-rules created by IT for mapping course department ID  to one usf global college code and department.


CollegeTitleSID_Title_GlobalDepartments_All_VwGlobal college title All



Global department code (derived using xref-rules created by IT for mapping course department ID  to one usf global college and department.


Course level

Calculated field using course number


Course Level Definition:

UGLL=1000-2999 Courses

UGUL=3000-4999 Courses

GR1=5000-69999 Courses

GR2>= 7000 Courses

GR3 = Medical sections

O = Others. These are placeholder sections and include (INTO AE courses, Intl Exch, Palazzi, Semester)

Please note: Some 6000 level courses may go in either category of Grad I or Grad II. Hence for the purpose of this report, courses 5000-6999 level are counted as Grad I and course above 6000 level are counted as Grad II.  

Summary of sections by one USF structure 

Drill-through pages 



Count of sections – active or held as filtered. Active sections are selected by default.




Part of the term


Section Type


The section type of the course section (i.e., Class Lecture)

Section Enrl


Number of section enrollments or seats filled


Seat Avail


Total seats available in the course sections. For the previous year, this category includes sections with enrollment only. Current year numbers include sections with or without enrollment.




Total gross student credit hours generated


Sec Diff

Calculated field 

Current year – Previous year numbers


Percent change in Sec

Calculated field 

Percentage change over one year difference


Enrl Diff

Calculated field 

Current year – Previous year numbers


Percent change in Enrl

Calculated field 

Percentage change over one year difference


SCH Diff

Calculated field 

Current year – Previous year numbers


Percent change in SCH

Calculated field 

Percentage change over one year difference


Avail Diff

Calculated field 

Current year – Previous year numbers


Percent change in Avail

Calculated field 

Percentage change over one year difference


%Prev Yr Seats Filled

Calculated field 

Section Enrl/Seats Available


%Curr Yr Seats Filled

Calculated field 

Section Enrl/Seats Available


Section Modality BANNER→ SSBSECT→ SSBSCET_INSM_CODEAD,CL,HB or PD section modalities Modality


Filter Panels

Filters are listed on top panel of the report.


  • Click the down arrow to select from options in the filters and narrow down your results. 
  • To deselect an item, click on the option again. 
  • Some filters are radio buttons and you can select only one item. The items in these filters are indicated as round buttons Small 25mm Lapel Pin Button Badge Novelty Plain White Badge ... .
  • Some filters allow multiple selections. To select multiples in a filter, hold the Ctrl key as you check the square boxes .
  • Filters for the report may not have Blank as an option. 

Data Panel

This panel displays the filtered results. To work with data in this panel:

  • Select an individual row in the table to highlight the item/row. Select it again to return to the full table view.
  • You can sort the data by column values, if the sorting is available for that column. Hover your mouse over the last row item in the column header and if a small black triangle appears Black Triangle PNG, Free HD Black Triangle Transparent Image - PNGkit ,  you can sort that column in ascending or descending order by clicking on your mouse. 

   Select a column header to sort by that value, such as College or Department.  


Export Data to Excel

To export the data results to Excel, hover your mouse over the upper right hand side corner of the data table and a horizontal menu bar  will pop up. Click the  in the top right corner . 

A drop down menu will appear with 'Export data' as one of the options.  Select Export Data to work with the data in Excel.

Note : The exported data in Excel may not look exactly like the screen. 

Drill through

To 'Drill through', right click on a data cell in the data table. A menu will pop up with 'Drill Through" as one of the options.  Selecting drill-though option will open another window with the details. 

 Note : All data tables may not have 'Drill through' functionality. 

 Reset to Default

If you have made any changes, such as implementing filters or sorting the table, you have the ability to return the sorting and filtering to the report creator's default view. Click the Reset to Default image in the Report Header: 

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