Cash Advance

Cash Advance

Cash Advance

This field calculates the cash advance associated with the travel expense submitted.

Travelers are encouraged to obtain a USF PCard to avoid the need for a Cash Advances. For information on USF's PCard program, please go to the USF Procurement Card Program http://usfweb.usf.edu/pcard/index.html website. 
In some circumstances a Cash Advance for USF Travel Expenses may be requested. If a Traveler falls into one of the categories below, a Cash Advance may be requested at the time the Travel Authorization is submitted in FAST. 
Cash Advances are issued only in the following situations: 

  • Travel destination is to a remote area where credit cards are not accepted.
  • Travel is performed for an extended length of time (30 days or more).
  • The Traveler has been denied a credit card.
  • The Traveler is a student.
  • The Traveler is incurring expenses for students accompanying traveler on the trip.

In these cases the University will authorize payment of up to 100% of airfare plus 80% of remaining estimated expenses on an approved Travel Authorization. 
A Cash Advance will be issued no more than seven (7) business days before the start of travel. 
Only University employees and students are eligible to receive an advance unless a grant specifically states otherwise. Current Cash Advance directives and procedures provide for the following: 

  • The Traveler shall not have more than one advance at a time.
  • The advance must be settled no more than ten (10) business days from the travel end date. Any money advanced to Traveler in excess of actual expenses must be repaid to the university within this timeframe. Excess funds should be paid to account 12410 and a copy of check and deposit receipt should be attached to the Expense Report.
  • If not settled within thirty (30) business day, USF will offset a Traveler's wages through payroll.

In order to receive a Cash Advance, a Traveler must preauthorize the University to deduct the amount from wages if they do not settle their advance within the defined timeframe of thirty (30) workdays after the return to the official headquarters. If payroll offset occurs, the Traveler may make payment arrangements for a payroll deduction until the Cash Advance is settled. If a Cash Advance results in payroll offset, then the traveler will not qualify for future advances. 

Data Type: Number

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