Saving Bookmarks in Internet Explorer

Saving Bookmarks in Internet Explorer


This article shows how to export your bookmarks to a file that is used to import them to a different computer.

Exporting Your Bookmarks to an HTML File

  1. Open Internet Explorer and select the star icon that represents favorites located in the top right corner.

  2. Select the arrow located next to Add to favorites then from the drop down menu select Import and export...

  3. Select Export to a file then select Next>.

  4. Choose your export settings then select Next>.

  5. Select the folder that you want to export your favorites from then select Next>. If you are unsure which folder to choose select the top folder.

  6. Select Browse... to choose where to save the file. Remember the location where the file is saved or save it directly to a flash drive. Then select Export.

  7. Select Finish.

If you did not save the file directly to a flash drive remember to locate the file in file explorer and save the file to an external drive so you can access it to load your settings into Internet Explorer.

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Import Your Bookmarks into Internet Explorer Using the HTML File

  1. Select the star icon that represents favorites located in the top right corner.

  2. Select the arrow located next to Add to favorites then from the drop down menu select Import and export...

  3. Select Import from a file then select Next>.

  4. Select the items you would like to import then select Next>.

  5. Select Browse... then locate and select the HTML file you saved previously then select Next>.

  6. Select the destination folder for your favorites then select Import. If you are unsure which folder to choose select the top folder.

  7. Select Finish.

Your bookmarks should now be available in Internet Explorer.

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