Eduroam - SecureW2 on Mac

Eduroam - SecureW2 on Mac


To connect iMacs or MacBooks to Eduroam Wi-Fi using SecureW2, ensure you are connected to the internet.

You can use the USF Guest Network to establish an internet connection for this process.


Have your MFA device ready to approve the sign-in process.

  1. Navigate to https://netconnect.usf.edu and select JoinNow.

  2. A file named "WiFi_JoinNow_Wrapper.dmg" will download, double-click on the file to open the installer.

  3. Double-click the SecureW2 file to launch the installer process.

  4. Select Open.

  5. Select Next.

  6. Select OK.

  7. Enter your NetID@usf.edu address and select Next

  8. Enter your NetID Password and select Sign in.

  9. You will receive an MFA approval request. Enter the provided number to proceed.

  10. Select Yes or No to proceed.

  11. After logging in successfully, the below message will appear, and the installer will reopen.

  12. Enter your Mac login password and click OK.

  13. Select Next.

  14. Double-click the University of South Florida eduroam profile.

  15. Select Install.

  16. Select Install.

  17. Enter your Mac login password and click OK.

  18. The installer will connect to the servers to complete the setup.

  19. Once completed, select Done. If you're on campus, check your connection to eduroam. If you're off campus, you should connect automatically upon arrival, if Wi-Fi is enabled.

Eduroam Connection Failure

If the above steps don't connect the device to Eduroam, select Eduroam from the Wi-Fi options and enter your full USF email address (NetID@usf.edu) as the username and your NetID password.

When using this method, if you reset your NetID password, you'll need to reconnect to Eduroam.

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