RSS Float Layout
RSS Float Layout
Displays up to four RSS feed articles in a single column with additional image float options.
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Adding the Float Layout
The Float layout can only be added as a final step from the RSS Feed component.
Editing the Feed Content
Hover your mouse cursor over the content preview area and click the yellow Edit button that appears over the top right of the component. A new modal window will open with all of the content fields available for the component.
Feed URL - Paste any standard XML feed into this field and the component will automatically pull the latest articles and display them on the page.
Feed Items - Field to set the number of articles to display. The Float Layout supports a value from 1-4.
Component Options
Clicking the gear icon at the top right of the component’s control bar expands the options where you can adjust the component’s features.
Headline - Add a short headline of text to the top of the component.
Theme - Change the look by selecting between three different visual styles.
Image Width - Change the width of article images by percentages.
Image Float - Three options to float images:
Float Left
Alternate left and right
Float Right
Text Wrap - Turn on and off text wrapping around article images.
Save - Commit any changes to the options.
Floating Images
The Image Float option allows you to float images and videos on different sides of the text content:
Float Left
Alternate left and right
Float Right
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