Shimberg - Load Process

Shimberg - Load Process




The BIA Data Importer system allows authorized users to upload Excel documents to the Business Intelligence & Analytics department for data warehousing and reporting.  During the import process, a set of rules are applied to the data to ensure the data conforms to the data integrity standards.

Rules for Data

File Upload:

  1. File must be in excel format.
  2. File must follow specific format.  Template with format details can be downloaded from the application:  https://usfweb.usf.edu/DSS/BIADataload/Import/DownloadTemplate/1031
  3. File must contain 4 columns.
  4. File must contain a row header.
  5. All columns must have data for each row.
  6. File cannot contain any duplicates. (Any row of data that contains the same Access Date, Access time, Status and User with be considered a duplicate).

Loading Process

During the 3-step process. You will be notified if there are any source data errors while loading the file(s).

Follow these steps to provide a successful upload file to the database:

  1. Go to the link https://usfweb.usf.edu/DSS/BIADataload/ and press “Start Submission”
  2. Log in with your NetId
  3. If needed, download the template. (if the file is already prepared using the template skip this step)
  4. Click on the “Upload File” button.
  5. Click on Browse and locate the file on your computer.
  6. After file is uploaded the message “The file was successfully uploaded and stored.” should be seen.

    If any error occurs in the upload process please make sure that the file does not contain any duplicate rows, nulls, empty cells in the data and the excel file has been closed. If all is correct please send an email to support@health.usf.edu and open a support ticket.

  7. If no errors are found click on Validate Data.
  8. If no errors were found, to complete the import, click “Finalize Import”
  9. After finalize import, an Import Completed message indicating how many records were updated show be shown.


Load Schedule

It is important that the Excel files be closed and not open for editing before the load process begins. When the data load begins if the file is open then the process will error out.  The file can be uploaded as and when needed.  After the file upload is complete, the information will be saved to a table. The ETL job will then process the data in the table, linking a person to its current department. That data then can be used to create reports with employees and the departments they were associated with at the time.

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