Installing Examplify on a Windows Computer

Installing Examplify on a Windows Computer


This article explains how to install Examplify on a Windows computer.

  1. Visit https://ei.examsoft.com/GKWeb/login/usfmed1.
  2. Under 'Exam Takers' select Login and use the ID and Password that was provided.

  3. Once logged in click Download.

  4. A pop-up box will be displayed asking to save the file. Click Save File and choose the destination where to save the file.
  5. Locate and double-click the Examplify.pkg that was downloaded.
  6. Follow the instructions of the Examplify installer wizard.
    1. Click Next.

    2. Select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.
  7. After installation, enter your Institution ID and click Next.

  8. Enter your Student ID and Password, and click Sign In to register your copy of Examplify.