OneDrive - Adding Documents to OneDrive Cloud Storage

OneDrive - Adding Documents to OneDrive Cloud Storage


The following are 3 different methods of transferring files from a local computer into the Documents folder on OneDrive.

Table of Contents

Drag and Drop for Existing Documents on Local PC

  1. Click and hold the left mouse button on the file you wish to move and drag it over to the web browser that you have OneDrive open in. 

Upload Button for Existing Documents on Local PC

  1. Select Upload and select if you are uploading Files or Folder.

  2. Navigate to the file or folder you wish to upload from your local PC and then select Open.

  3. You will receive a message once the upload is completed.

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Creating a New Document

  1. Select New and then select the type of document you wish to create. This will open a new tab into the selected program.

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