CARES Act Report

CARES Act Report

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The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act contains a provision for Higher Education Emergency Relief and Student Aid. USF receives funds to be used for emergency student aid. Students who have expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19 are eligible to apply for this program. 

Eligible expenses for CARES Act funding include, but are not necessarily limited to, medical, food, housing, utilities, technology expenses, relocation costs to return home, unexpected childcare, course materials, and other unexpected expenses.

Students apply for assistance through the Archivum student portal, and the USF Financial Aid Office reviews applications to determine the amount distributed to each student. Students have seven days to complete the application after initiating; if they do not complete it within the seven days, the application expires, and they will need to apply again. 

Data Updates

Data are continuously updated to provide real-time information.

Report Elements Glossary Table


The CARES Act report contains data pertaining to CARES Act applications and funding. Specifically, the report provides a table of all students who have initiated an application for CARES Act aid, including the amount requested, details of the virus impacts, and the expenses to which the funds will be applied, such as rent, relocation costs, or food. 

When a student initiates an application, Archivum records the entry with a status of Incomplete. Once the student submits all requested documentation, the Approval Status changes. A student has seven days to complete the application after initiating, after which time the Approval Status remains in the database as Incomplete and the student must submit another application. 

Filter Panels

Filters are listed on both the top and left panels of the report.


  • Click the down arrow to select from options in the filters and narrow down your results. 
  • To deselect an item, click on the option again. 
  • To select multiples in a filter, hold the Ctrl key as you check the boxes. 
  • Blank options exist for some filters, which indicates the student did not complete this item in the application. 
  • Use the date slicers to narrow down the time frame for submitted and reviewed applications. 

Data Panel

The panel on the right is the main work area showing the filtered results. To work with data in this panel:

  • Select a column header to sort by that value, such as Student Name or Reviewed Date.
  • Select an individual row in the table to highlight the item. Select it again to return to the full table view.


Export Data to Excel

To export filtered results to Excel:

  1. Hover over the table, then click the ellipses in the top right corner of the table display. 
    The report displays a menu:
  2. Select Export Data, then work with the data in Excel.

Set Date Ranges

You can set ranges for dates for the Submitted Date and the Reviewed Date filters. Use the slicers in the side Filter panel to adjust or type dates in to the date fields. When you filter for date ranges, the table adjusts immediately. In addition, the selections available in the remaining filters are narrowed down to correspond with the selected dates. For example, reviewers who did not review applications during the specific time frame you filtered will not display in the Reviewer Name drop-down field. 

Reset to Default

If you have made any changes, such as implementing filters or sorting the table, you have the ability to return the sorting and filtering to the report creator's default view. Click the Reset to Default image in the Report Header: 


Impact Reasons

Expense Options

Reviewer Name

Student Level

Approval Status

Student Campus

Submitted Date

Reviewed Date

Report Elements

Total Amount Approved

Total Amount Requested

Student UID

Student Name


Date of Birth

Student Level

Impact Reasons

Expense Options

Submitted Date

Amount Requested ($)

Reviewed Date

Amount Approved ($)

Application Outcome

Approval Term

Student Campus

Reviewer Name

Date Refreshed

Report Elements Glossary Table


The table below lists all of the elements used in the CARES Act report.

Note: To sort the table elements, click the up or down arrow in the column header. 





Frequency of Update

Amount Approved

appiandb->ssm_v_caresactsubmissions->amountapprovedIndicates the amount approved in aid for the student.Live

Amount Requested

appiandb->ssm_v_caresactsubmissions->amountrequestedIndicates the amount the student requested in aid.Live

Application Outcome


Approval Status


Indicates the approval status or application outcome of the student's application for aid. Options are:

  • Approved
  • Denied
  • Incomplete
  • Submitted
  • Under Review

Approval Term

appiandb->ssm_v_caresactsubmissions->approvaltermThe academic term during which the student's aid was approved.Live

Date of Birth

banner->spbpers->spbpers_birth_dateStudent's date of birthLive

Expense Options

appiandb->ssm_v_caresactsubmissions->sectionthreeselectionsIndicates the expenses that will be covered by the aid the student receives. Students select from a list (including "Other") during the application process, and supply receipts if required.Live

Impact Reasons


The reasons indicated by the student that the aid was requested as a result of COVID-19. Students include documentation with the request, as it pertains to the following selections:

  • Parent loss of income
  • Student/spouse loss of income
  • Unexpected circumstances

Reviewed Date

appiandb->ssm_v_caresactsubmissions->createdonDate the application for aid was reviewed.Live

Reviewer Name


USF staff member who reviewed the application.Live


banner->spbpers->spbpers_ssnSocial Security Number of the student.Live

Student Campus

appiandb->ssm_v_caresactsubmissions->studentcampusIdentifies the campus of the student applying for the relief.Live

Student Level

appiandb->ssm_v_caresactsubmissions->studentlevelLevel of the student applying for aid: Undergraduate/Graduate/ProfessionalLive

Student Name

banner->spriden->spriden_last_name+spriden_first_nameFirst and last name of the student.Live

Student UID

appiandb->ssm_v_caresactsubmissions->studentuidThe unique University Identification number of the student.Live

Submitted Date

appiandb->ssm_v_caresactsubmissions->submittedonIndicates the date the application for aid was submitted.Live

Total Total Amount Approved

sum(appiandb->ssm_v_caresactsubmissions->amountapproved)Indicates the total amount of aid that was approved as of the refresh date/time.Live

Total Amount Requested

sum(appiandb->ssm_v_caresactsubmissions->amountrequested)Indicates the total amount of aid that has been requested as of the refresh date/time.Live

Date Refreshed

Current DatetimeIndicates the date/time the data pulled for the report was refreshed.Live

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