GDC Status Description
GDC Status Description
GDC Status
Depending on Data Source the status of the department is flagged as 'Active' or 'Inactive'
FAST - For each department the status reflects the current status according to FAST ..
GEMS - For each department the status reflects the value of the EFF_STATUS field in the PS_DEPT_TBL based on the most recent record.
OASIS - For each college department combination if there has been no student or no course within the past year then the status is set to 'Inactive'. Departments that previously existed in the source system that have been deleted are also 'Inactive'
OracleHCM - For each department the status reflects the value of the OrgUnitClassificationPEOStatus field in the EmployeeDataLake_sdb.[dbo].[DepartmentPVOViewAll] view.