Updating Waiver Codes

Updating Waiver Codes

Steps to update the Waiver Codes

  1. Download the excel template below named  Z00_WAIVER_CODES_AND_TYPES  and add in the details of the  new waivers/modifications (Note: The column order/names and file name must not be changed). 

2. Ensure that there is no old waiver file in the folder \\aup-usffs02.forest.usf.edu\it-bia\Projects\Waivers

Copy the excel file to the folder  \\aup-usffs02.forest.usf.edu\it-bia\Projects\Waivers

(If there is an existing file, please delete it before adding your new file or ensure that you are overwriting it with your new file. At any point of time, there can only be one file in this folder.)


You can map a drive on your computer to this location and then add the file

Right click on Network to get this where you can add the path

3. The file is picked up once a week on Wednesdays at 5pm. The waiver codes are updated in the database and the file is moved to an archive folder for auditing.

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