Learning Space Inventory

Learning Space Inventory

Report Description

The Learning Space Inventory report displays information to determine the capabilities of instructional spaces at USF. Use this to determine if a specific room will meet the requirements for how you plan to offer your courses when students return to campus. There are two tabs: Learning Space Inventory - Summary and Details.  This dashboard includes information from USF IT Classroom Technology, Facilities, and RMA.

Learning Space Inventory - Summary



The campus description associated with the campus code - consists of the following: HEALTH, SAR (Sarasota), STP (St. Petersburg), TPA (Tampa)


3-letter building code.

Room Use

Descriptor for the use of the room, listed either as Dedicated or General Use.

COVID TEC Required

Amount of technology upgrades required in a room to support Flexible Hybrid instruction (a live/synchronous mix of F2F and online students in same sessions), using MS Teams to connect the room and online participants. This technology enables interactivity between faculty and students, both in class and online.

Room Type

Space type such as Lab, Auditorium, Classroom.


Count of Rooms by Building

Heat map visualization displaying the number of rooms by building

Report's default is set for room type of: auditorium, classroom, conference room. The count of rooms by building will reflect the filtered room type.



The capacity total for all selected rooms/buildings.

Estimated COVID Capacity

Total capacity calculated - 28% of normal capacity. This is an estimate of the usable seats in the room with 6 foot distancing.


Count of Buildings

The number of buildings for the data selected.

Count of Rooms

The number of rooms for the report filters selected.

Instructor Source Pie Chart

The pie chart to display if a PC is available for the instructor to log into, for loading instructional content, and joining a Teams meeting.


Primary Display Pie Chart

A pie chart to show if a primary display is available, which is the primary content display in the room (typically, a projector or TV).

Instructor Camera Pie Chart

A pie chart to show if a camera is pointed at the instructor, and used as video input within the Teams meeting.


Instructor Mic Pie Chart

A pie chart to show if an audio input is available for the instructor, so they can be heard in the Teams meeting by people connected remotely.

Audience Mic Pie Chart

A pie chart to show if an audio input for the students is in the classroom, so they can be heard in the Teams meeting by people connected remotely.


Cost of Instructional Cam

The sum of costs for adding an instructional camera for selected rooms/buildings.

Audience Mic Cost

The sum of costs for adding an audience mic for selected rooms/buildings.



The campus description associated with the campus code - consists of the following: HEALTH, SAR (Sarasota), STP (St. Petersburg), TPA (Tampa)


3-letter building code.


The number of the room within a building.

Room Type

Space type such as Lab, Auditorium, Classroom.


The capacity total for all selected rooms/buildings.

Estimated COVID Capacity

Total capacity calculated - 28% of normal capacity. This is an estimate of the usable seats in the room with 6 foot distancing.

Actual COVID Capacity

COVID Capacity is the usable seats in the room with 6 foot distancing. This number will be created and filled in by Facilities as they walk the classrooms and plan COVID seating layouts based on seat spacing in the rooms.

Net Square Feet

Space Net Square Feet as reported in IFIS

Instructor Camera

A camera is pointed at the instructor and can be used as video input within the Teams meeting.

Cost of Instructional Cam

The sum of costs for adding an instructional camera for selected rooms/buildings.

Instructor Mic

An audio input available for the instructor so they can be heard in the Teams meeting by people connected remotely.

Cost of Instructional Mic

The sum of costs for adding an instructional mic for selected rooms/buildings. This will be filled in by IT Classroom Technology as costs are known.

Audience Mic

An audio input for the students is in the classroom so they can be heard in the Teams meeting by people connected remotely.

Instructor Source

The method the instructor connects to the primary display in the room.

COVID Tech requires a PC to be available for the instructor to log into, for loading instructional content, and joining a Teams meeting.

Primary Display

A primary display is the technology used to display content to the students during classtime (typically, a projector or TV).

COVID Tech requires there to be a primary display in the room.

Room Use

Descriptor for the use of the room, listed either as Dedicated or General Use.

Data Refreshed On

Data in this report is not live, but refreshed daily from an Excel spreadsheet stored in Box.  The refresh is scheduled to occur at 7:00 am, 12:00 pm, and 5:00 pm in PowerBI.


This report displays values from the spreadsheet. Those values are subject to change over time. Unauthorized use of this report is prohibited. If you log on to this computer system, you acknowledge your awareness of and concurrence with the University of South Florida policies. The University will prosecute violators to the full extent of the law.

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