CM-Keyword Search

CM-Keyword Search

Report Description

The report is designed to better assist in determining when students were taught keyword throughout their education so that inquiries from accrediting organizations as they are asked without having to contact all course directors. This report displays Sessions, Courses, and Keyword for all Level. Report can be filtered by Course Academic Year, Med Year, and Curriculum Program. There are two tabs on this report: CM Keyword Search Details and CM Keyword Search Details - Graphics. Both tabs present the exact same set of data just presented in two different fashions for user viewability for more details or graphics. 

CM Keyword Search Details


Course Academic Year

Academic year the courses were offered, listed in four digit format for the year the term began.

Med Year

Year of academic progress for the medical school program, year 1-4.

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.


Keyword Search

Used to search for a keyword within the Hierarchy

The Hierarchy is used to located and filter the different Keywords at based in level. 

Session Count

Number of Session Titles based on all filters and items selected in visualizations or details. A unique Session Title is identified by a unique Session text.


Course Objectives Count

Number of Courses tied to a Program Objective based on all filters and items selected in visualizations or details. A unique Course is identified by a unique Course Number


Keyword Count

Shows total unique count of Content Headings based on selected filters.

Session Search

Session Search allows the user to locate specific Sessions within the list of sessions

The list of sessions displays Session Name and Hours for each session based on filtered result.

Course Search

Course Search allows the user to locate specific Courses within the list of sessions

The list of Course displays Course Name and Curriculum Program for each session based on filtered result.


List of Keywords

Data Export Table - Used to Export to Excel for further Review

Displays Session Objectives, Sessions, Hours, Course Title, Keyword Level 1, Keyword Level 2, Keyword Level 3, Keyword Level 4, Keyword Level 5, and Curriculum Program that can be exported to Excel for further review based on filtered data sets within report.

CM Keyword Search Details - Graphics


Course Academic Year

Academic year the courses were offered, listed in four digit format for the year the term began.

Med Year

Year of academic progress for the medical school program, year 1-4.

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.


Keyword Search

Used to search for a keyword within the Hierarchy

The Hierarchy is used to located and filter the different Keywords at based in level. 

Session Count by Course

Displays Unique Session Counts by Course based on any page filters that have been applied.

Session by Curriculum Program

Graphic of the total counts of Sessions by Curriculum Program.

Session by Med Year and Curriculum Program

Bar graph that shows counts of Sessions by Med Year by Curriculum Program


Details are accessible via the See Records option on the Course Count by Med Year and Curriculum Program visualization.

Data Refreshed On

Data in this report is not live, but refreshed regularly. The date on the bottom right of the report displays the last day the data was refreshed from Archivum Curriculum Mapping.  


This report only displays values as the were in Archivum Curriculum Mapping at last refresh as indicated at the bottom of the report. Those values are subject to change over time. Unauthorized use of this report is prohibited. If you log on to this computer system, you acknowledge your awareness of and concurrence with the University of South Florida policies. The University will prosecute violators to the full extent of the law.