CM-Course Objectives to Session Objectives

CM-Course Objectives to Session Objectives

Report Description

Report displays Course Objectives as tied to Session Objectives. Report can be filtered by Course Academic Year, Med Year, Course Title, and Session Title . There are two tabs on this report: Course Objectives to Session Objectives and Session Objectives to Course Objectives. The first tab focuses mostly on Course Objectives, allowing an on-the-fly keyword search of Course Objectives, while the second tab focuses on Session Objectives with a corresponding search. Both tabs allow you to interact with the tables and visualizations to create slices of the data to answer many questions. Session Objectives to Course Objectives also provides counts of unique Courses, Session Objectives, and Course Objectives.

Course Objectives to Session Objectives


Course Academic Year

Academic year the courses were offered, listed in four digit format for the year the term began.

Med Year

Year of academic progress for the medical school program, year 1-4.

Course Title

The Health Banner name of the course being offered.

Session Title

Title of session; overall grouping for session objectives

Course Objective Search

You can search for specific words within Course Objectives. Pressing enter will filter all items on the page based on a Course Objective containing that word or phrase.

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.


Course Objectives by Course

A bar chart displaying the number of Course Objectives tied to Session Objectives for all filters selected. There is one bar per course. Selecting bar(s) in this visualization will highlight the relevant items in the other visualization.

Export Data is available for this visualization. The amount of data will affect the time to export.


Course Objective

Detailed learning objective for a course which fulfills which is paired with at least one session objective. A Course Objective can be covered in more than one course or session.


Course subject code, course number, and the title of the course being offered.

Session Title

Title of session; overall grouping for session objectives

Session Objective

Detailed learning objective for a session which fulfills at least one Course Objective. A Session Objective can be covered in more than one session or course.

Session Objective to Course Objectives


Course Academic Year

Academic year the courses were offered, listed in four digit format for the year the term began.

Med Year

Year of academic progress for the medical school program, year 1-4.

Course Title

The Health Banner name of the course being offered.

Session Title

Title of session; overall grouping for session objectives

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.


Unique Sessions

Number of approved Sessions with at least one Session Objective to Course Objective pairing based on all filters and items selected in visualizations or details. A unique session is identified by a unique Session Name.

Unique Session Objectives

Number of session objectives tied to a Course Objective based on all filters and items selected in visualizations or details. A unique session is identified by a unique Session Objective text.

Course Objectives Count

Number of Course Objectives tied to a Session Objective based on all filters and items selected in visualizations or details. A unique Course Objective is identified by a unique Course Objective text.

Session Objective Heat Map

This heat map shows counts of Unique Session Objectives based on 2 separate drill options:

  1. Drill 1 - Displays the Unique Count of Session Objective by each Session Title
  2. Drill 2 - Displays the Unique count of Session Objective by each Course

The size of the rectangle is determined by the number of Session Objectives.

Export Data is available for this visualization. The amount of data will affect the time to export.


Session Objective

Detailed learning objective for a session which fulfills at least one Course Objective. A Session Objective can be covered in more than one session or course.

Course Objective

Detailed learning objective for a course which fulfills at least one Program Objective. A Course Objective can be covered in more than one course.

These 2 sets of data are used in conjunction with each other. The user can select 1 (or more) Session Object and see all Course Objectives that are related to this Session Objective. This will also work in reverse: the user can select a Course Objective and only the Session Objective(s) associated with the Course Objective will be displayed.

The heat map and counts on the page will also update.

Data Refreshed On

Data in this report is not live, but refreshed regularly. The date on the bottom right of the report displays the last day the data was refreshed from Archivum Curriculum Mapping.  


This report only displays values as the were in Archivum Curriculum Mapping at last refresh as indicated at the bottom of the report. Those values are subject to change over time. Unauthorized use of this report is prohibited. If you log on to this computer system, you acknowledge your awareness of and concurrence with the University of South Florida policies. The University will prosecute violators to the full extent of the law.

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