SID Degrees Awarded

SID Degrees Awarded


This page describes the data-items in the SID_Degrees_Awarded table, in addition to providing a link to the Meta Mart Data Warehouse or Production documentation. 


TableNameCOLUMN_NAMEdata_typeMaxLengthSource_SystemSource_TableSource_Column_NameNotes_LogicMeta Mart Description
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedTermidvarchar8DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vwREPT_TIME_FRAME Academic term (YYYYMM) to which the reported data applies.
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedREPT_INSTvarchar4DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw REPT_INST 01045 - Reporting Institution
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedFEE_CLASS_KINDvarchar1DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw FEE_CLASS_KIND 01107 - Fee Classification - Kind
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedTERM_DEG_GRANTvarchar6DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw TERM_DEG_GRANT 01412 - Term Degree Granted
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedDEG_LEVEL_GRANTvarchar1DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw DEG_LEVEL_GRANT 01081 - Degree - Level Granted
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedCIP_DEGREEvarchar6DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw CIP_DEGREE 01082 - Degree Program Category
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedMAJOR_INDnumeric DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw MAJOR_IND Major Indicator (1=First, 2=Second, 3=Third, etc.)
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedTCHR_PREP_DOE_CDvarchar3DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw TCHR_PREP_DOE_CD 01425 - State-Approved Teacher Prep Pgm - DOE Code (Default to '999')
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedDEMO_TIME_FRAMEvarchar8DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw REPT_TIME_FRAME Academic term (YYYYMM) to which the reported data applies
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedDEMO_DATA_SOURCEvarchar8LiteralVia Query'SIFD'via PROCEDURE Proc_DataLoad_SID 
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedAWARD_SOURCEvarchar4DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw AWARD_SOURCE Source of the award contained in the current record: SIF, HTD, TEF, DEG
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedTCHR_PREP_DOE_LEVELvarchar1DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw TCHR_PREP_DOE_LEVEL 01423 - State-Approved Teacher Prep Pgm - DOE Level
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedTCHR_EDU_PGM_METHODvarchar1DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw TCHR_EDU_PGM_METHOD 01436 - Teacher Education Program Method
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedCIP_FRAC_DEGnumeric DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw CIP_FRAC_DEG 01083 - Degree Program Fraction of Degree Granted
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedDOC_CLASSvarchar1DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw DOC_CLASS IPEDS Reclassificaiton of First-Professional Degree Level Granted
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedBE_CDvarchar1DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw BE_CD 01007 - Budget Entity Code, SUS
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedU_RESV_1varchar50   All NULL values** New Univ Reserved Area (variable data depending on context) **
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedIPEDS_RPTD_FLGvarchar1   All NULL values
** No column with this name exists in Meta Mart **
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedDEG_LEVEL_GRANT_GRPvarchar50   All NULL values** No column with this name exists in Meta Mart **
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedUIDvarchar15DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw USF_IDIf NULL use USF_ID from DWHOUSE/Person_Demo_VWThis field defines the identification number used to access the person on-line, which is a randomly assigned, alpha-numeric USFID. The USFID is the primary identifier in OASIS
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedOasis_PIDMfloat DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw OASIS_PIDM This field holds the OASIS internal identification number.
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedCatalog_Year_Grantvarchar6DWHOUSEHUB_DEGREES_USF_Vcatalog_year_grant 01476 - Catalog term of the degree
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedDegree_Codevarchar5DWHOUSEHUB_DEGREES_USF_V  degree_code Degree Code


-- OR -



-- OR --



-- OR --



IF NULL, set to '00'

College of the awarded degree

-- OR --

This field identifies the college associated with the primary curriculum for the effective term.

dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedMajor_Codevarchar5DWHOUSEHUB_DEGREES_USF_V  Major_Code Major of the awarded degree
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedConc_Code_1varchar5DWHOUSEHUB_DEGREES_USF_V  Conc_Code_1 First concentration of the awarded degree
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedConc_Code_2varchar5DWHOUSEHUB_DEGREES_USF_V  Conc_Code_2 Second concentration of the awarded degree
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedDegree_Statusvarchar5DWHOUSEHUB_DEGREES_USF_V  degree_status This field holds the OASIS SHRDGMR Table degree status
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedAcat_Codevarchar5DWHOUSEHUB_DEGREES_USF_V  acat_code This field holds the STVDEGC_ACAT_CODE
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedCampus_Codevarchar5DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw u_resv_1 New Univ Reserved Area (variable data depending on context)


-- OR --



-- OR –



-- OR --


IF NULL use conc_code_1 

-- OR --

IF still NULL  and SGBSTDN_LEVL_CODE Not Like 'ND'

Major of the awarded degree / First concentration of the awarded degree

-- OR -

This field identifies the primary major within the primary curriculum for the effective term.

dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedSeq_Nbrint DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw major_ind Major Indicator (1=First, 2=Second, 3=Third, etc.)
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedGendervarchar1DWHOUSEPerson_Demo_VWgenderIF NULL, set to 'X'01048 - Gender
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedEthnicityvarchar1DWHOUSEPerson_Demo_VW  race_ethnicityIF NULL, set to 'X'01044 - Racial/Ethnic Group
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedDeptvarchar4DWHOUSEHUB_DEGREES_USF_V  dept_code Department of the awarded degree
dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedCollege_Rptvarchar2DWHOUSEHUB_DEGREES_USF_V  Calculated: ED, EPcollege_code

Derived from

coll_code - College of the awarded degree

dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedDeg_Level_Grant_Rptvarchar1DWHOUSE degrees_awarded_vw Calculated: K, IPer CASE on CIP_DEGREE, DEG_LEVEL_GRANT

01082 - Degree Program Category

01081 - Degree - Level Granted

dbo.SID_Degrees_AwardedTimestampdatetime SQL DatabaseTimestamp  

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