This page documents the SID_Applicants_Admits reporting table and its columns, noting the ultimate data source of each data-item (DWHOUSE or PROD).
The primary function of this table is to provide current information on USF applicants who have been admitted into undergraduate or graduate programs.
In addition, Meta Mart descriptions are provided for each column, along with a direct link to the source tables/views documentation in Meta Mart.
COLUMN_NAME | data_type | MaxLength | Source_System | Source_Table | Source_Column_Name | Notes_Logic | Meta Mart Description |
TERMID | varchar | 8 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | rept_time_Frame | Academic term (YYYYMM) to which the reported data applies. | |
BENCH | varchar | 1 | Run-time parameter | N/A | @BENCH' (B, F, D, E) | Entered / passed through at run-time in ETL | |
UID | varchar | 9 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | USF_ID | IF NULL then LEFT(U_RESV_1,9) | This field holds the OASIS U-ID. |
CIP_APP_ADM | varchar | 6 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | CIP_APP_ADM | 01242 - Admissions Application Program Category (ADM) and 01062 - Student Program Category (TEF,LAP) | |
STU_TYP | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | STU_TYP | 01117 - Type of Student at Time of Application (ADM), 01413 - Type of Student at Time of Most Recent Admission (TEF) and 01142 - Limited Access Category (LAP) | |
APP_ADM_SOURCE | varchar | 8 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | APP_ADM_SOURCE | Source of the application/admission information contained in the current record: ADM, LAP, IEP | |
DEMO_TIME_FRAME | varchar | 8 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | rept_time_Frame | Academic term (YYYYMM) to which the reported data applies. | |
DEMO_DATA_SOURCE | varchar | 8 | Literal | Via Query | ADM' | via PROCEDURE Proc_DataLoad_SID | |
GENDER | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | Person_Demo_VW | gender | IF NULL, set to 'X' | 01048 - Gender |
ETHNICITY | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | Person_Demo_VW | race_ethnicity | IF NULL, set to 'X' | 01044 - Racial/Ethnic Group |
CAMPUS_H | varchar | 4 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | campus_cd_admin or CAMPUS or '0001' (default) | IF CAMPUS_H NULL 02050 - Campus code responsible for student's registration. use CAMPUS from FUC_SIDDecode | |
COLLEGE | varchar | 2 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | Calculated: 'RX' or U_RESV_2 | As per STU_TYP | ** See STU_TYP for further details ** |
MAJOR | varchar | 5 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | Calculated: 'MED', 'PRY', 'MPT' or U_RESV_2 | As per STU_TYP | ** See STY_TYP for further details ** |
FINAL_ADM_ACTION | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | FINAL_ADM_ACTION | 01135 - Final Admission Action (ADM) and 01143 - Limited Access Action (LAP) | |
REGISTERED_CD | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | REGISTERED_CD | 01136 - Registered Code (ADM, LAP) | |
COUNTY_OF_RES | varchar | 4 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | COUNTY_OF_RES | 01055 - County of Residence, SUS | |
FEE_CLASS_RES | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | FEE_CLASS_RES | 01106 - Fee Classification - Residency | |
ADM_DEPOSIT_IND | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | ADM_DEPOSIT_IND | 01151 - Admissions Deposit Indicator | |
STU_CLASS_LEVEL | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | STU_CLASS_LEVEL | 01060 - Student Classification Level | |
DISPLACED_STU_IND | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | DISPLACED_STU_IND | 01809 - Displaced Student Indicator | |
LAST_INST_CD | varchar | 8 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | LAST_INST_CD | 01067 - Last Institution Code | |
INST_GRNT_HIDEG_CD | varchar | 8 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | INST_GRNT_HIDEG_CD | 01411 - Institution Granting Highest Degree (built from old 5-digit code by prefixing one zero and suffixing two zeroes) | |
DEG_HIGHEST_HELD | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | DEG_HIGHEST_HELD | 01112 - Degree - Highest Level Held | |
LAST_POSTSEC_DT | varchar | 6 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | LAST_POSTSEC_DT | 01169 - Date of Last Attendance YYYYMM | |
GPA_COLLEGE | numeric | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | GPA_COLLEGE | 01270 - College GPA | ||
HS_ETS_CD | varchar | 6 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | HS_ETS_CD | 01069 - High School Code | |
LAST_SECONDARY_DT | varchar | 6 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | LAST_SECONDARY_DT | 01169 - Date of Last Attendance YYYYMM | |
GPA_GED_COMPONENT | numeric | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | GPA_GED_COMPONENT | 01275 - GPA - General Education Component = (IEP) | ||
GPA_BACHELORS | numeric | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | GPA_BACHELORS | 01241 - GPA - Completed Bachelors Degree Pgm = (IEP) | ||
ESOL_UNITS | numeric | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | ESOL_UNITS | 01438 - English As A Second Language Units | ||
DEPOSIT_AMT | numeric | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | DEPOSIT_AMT | 01152 - Admissions Deposit Amount | ||
FLA_PUBLIC_HS_FLG | varchar | 1 | All values are NULL | ||||
HS_PCT_RANK | numeric | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | Calculated: o or Substring(U_RESV_2, 34, 5) | As Per STU_TYP | ** See STY_TYP and U_RESV_2 for further details ** | |
REPT_INST | varchar | 4 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | REPT_INST | 01045 - Reporting Institution | |
DECISION_CODE | varchar | 2 | DWHOUSE | HUB_APPLICANTS_ADMITS_V | DECISION_CODE | The full USF application decision code. | |
DEGREE_LEVEL_SOUGHT | varchar | 50 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | Calculated: 'B' or Substring(U_RESV_2, 33, 1) | ** See U_RESV_2 for further details ** | |
OASIS_PIDM | float | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | OASIS_PIDM | This field holds the OASIS internal identification number. | ||
ADMT_CODE | varchar | 50 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | Calculate: Substring(U_RESV_211,2) or blank | As per STU_TYP | ** See STY_TYP for further details ** |
Stu_Typ_Rpt | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | Calculated: 'B' or STU_CLASS_LEVEL | As pr STU_CLASS_LEVEL | ** See STU_CLASS_LEVEL for further details ** |
Stu_Class_Level_Rpt | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | Calculated: 'B' or STU_TYP | As per STU_TYP | ** See STY_TYP for further details ** |
Dept | varchar | 4 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | Calculated: 'PHA', 'PHT', or U_RESV_2 | As per STU_TYP | ** See STY_TYP for further details ** |
Stu_Load_Level | varchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | Calculated: 'U', 'G' | As per Substring(U_RESV_2, 33, 1) | ** See U_RESV_2 for further details ** |
College_Rpt | varchar | 2 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | Calculated: 'ED', 'EP' or COLLEGE | As per COLLEGE | Reporting College |
ZIP_APP | varchar | 10 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | Calculated: Substring(U_RESV_2, 13, 10) | ** See U_RESV_2 for further details ** | |
ZIP_CURR | varchar | 10 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | Calculated: Substring(U_RESV_2, 23, 10) | ** See U_RESV_2 for further details ** | |
Timestamp | datetime | SQL | Database | Timestamp | |||
Military_Status | nvarchar | 1 | DWHOUSE | APPLICANTS_ADMITS_vw | military_status | 02059 - The BOG derived self reported response to the admission application Veteran Status questions | |
Acad_Success_Factor | varchar | 5 | DWHOUSE | HUB_APPLICANTS_ADMITS_V | ACAD_SUCCESS_FACTOR | The status of the interview with the applicant | |
CITZ_CODE | varchar | 2 | DWHOUSE | HUB_PERSON_CURRENT_V | CITZ_CODE | The current citizenship code for the person on OASIS or GEMS | |
CONC_CODE | varchar | 4 | DWHOUSE | HUB_APPLICANTS_ADMITS_V | CONC_CODE | The Concentration Code of the admit- For reporting purposes | |
DEGC_CODE_SOUGHT | varchar | 6 | DWHOUSE | HUB_APPLICANTS_ADMITS_V | DEGC_CODE_SOUGHT | The Degree Sought of the admit- For reporting purposes |
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