Course Demand Reports

Course Demand Reports

The Course Demand reports provide university-wide course and course scheduling data with continuous updates from Banner. The reports offer a tool that can assist in developing courses and course schedules within and across USF colleges. These reports can be used, for example:

  • To assist the Registrar's Office in reviewing the demand for classes by term to ensure the necessary classes are offered and enough seats are available by section.
  • To identify students close to completion and view the courses these students have shown interest in taking.
  • To identify courses that have had at least one instance of distant learning in the past five years.

Note: Security permissions are set to enable sharing of this data to appropriate users.

The information below describes each of the four Course Demand reports and provides tips on navigation.

Data Updates

Data are continuously updated to provide real-time information.

Report Elements Glossary Table

Banner Course Attributes

Banner Course Attributes (Codes and Descriptions)


The Course Demand reports contain information on university courses, course sections, student degree requirements, and student course selection. The display and navigation for each of the four reports is similar, with a data panel in the main work area and filter panels on the top and left side to help you narrow down the data in tables. 

Filter Panels

Filters are listed on both the top and left panels of the report. Click the down arrow to select from options in the filters and narrow down your results.


  • If you select an item in one filter, the table adjusts immediately. In addition, the selections available in the remaining filters are narrowed down to correspond with the selected filter. For example, if you select Course Prefix = ADV, the Course Numbers selections are only those for Advertising. 
  • To "deselect" an item, click the option again. 
  • To select multiples in a filter, hold the Ctrl key as you check the boxes. Note that not all filters allow you to select more than one (Term Code for one).

Data Panel

The panel on the right is the main work area and each report displays a table showing the filtered results. To work with data in this panel:

  • Select a column header to sort by that value, such as Delivery Method or Current Enrollment.
  • To export the data to a spreadsheet, click anywhere in the table and click the ellipses (...) in the top right corner. Select Export Data and follow the prompts. Note that different browsers may display different options for opening and saving the resulting spreadsheet. 
  • Select an individual row in the table to highlight the item. Select it again to return to the full table view.

The next sections break down the individual reports and include links to the definitions in the Report Elements Glossary Table.

Report: Course Demand - College Scheduler Details

The Course Demand - College Scheduler Details report lists undergraduate students and the courses they expressed interest in scheduling within College Scheduler. This report does not give information on past classes, but shows course selection by student for the term selected in the Filter panel. 

Filters and Report Elements in the table are shown here; click on any item to link to the Report Elements Glossary Table for detailed descriptions.  


Course Demand Reports#Campus

Course Demand Reports#Cohort

Course Demand Reports#College

Course Demand Reports#Degree Status

Course Demand Reports#Department

Course Demand Reports#Major

Course Demand Reports#Program Name

Course Demand Reports#Student Type

Course Demand Reports#Term Code

Report Elements

Course Demand Reports#PIDM

Course Demand Reports#UID

Course Demand Reports#Campus

Course Demand Reports#College



Course Demand Reports#Conc1

Course Demand Reports#Minor1

Course Demand Reports#Major2

Course Demand Reports#Conc2

Course Demand Reports#Minor2

Course Demand Reports#Degree Status

Course Demand Reports#Course Prefix

Course Demand Reports#Course Number

Course Demand Reports#Section Number

Course Demand Reports#Section Type

Course Demand Reports#Course Session

Course Demand Reports#Course Attributes

Report: Course Demand - Course Level

The Course Demand - Course Level report shows current student enrollment at the course level for the term selected. Data show max enrollment for the course as well as the number of interested students. The report also provides enrollment information for the five years prior to the current term. 

Filters and Report Elements in the table are shown here; click on any item to link to the Report Elements Glossary Table for detailed descriptions.  


Course Demand Reports#College

Course Demand Reports#Department

Course Demand Reports#Program Name

Course Demand Reports#Term Code

Course Demand Reports#Course Prefix

Course Demand Reports#Course Number

Report Elements

Course Demand Reports#Course Prefix

Course Demand Reports#Course Number

Course Demand Reports#Course Title

Course Demand Reports#Delivery Method

Course Demand Reports#Course Attributes

# of Sections

Course Demand Reports#Max Enrollment

Course Demand Reports#Current Enrollment

Course Demand Reports#Interest Student #

Course Demand Reports#Potential Deficit

Enr # Year-1

Enr # Year-2

Enr # Year-3

Enr # Year-4

Enr # Year-5

Report: Course Demand - Degree Works

The Course Demand - Degree Works report lists undergraduate students and their progress toward their degree. The report provides overall progress toward the student's degree as well as progress made toward individual degree requirements, such as Civics Literacy or Foreign Language. 

You can use this report for example, to identify students who are close to completing their degree to review the courses they will need to graduate. 

Filters and Report Elements in the table are shown here; click on any item to link to the Report Elements Glossary Table for detailed descriptions.  .  


Course Demand Reports#Campus

Course Demand Reports#Cohort

Course Demand Reports#College

Course Demand Reports#Degree App Status

Course Demand Reports#Department

Course Demand Reports#Major

Report Elements

Students #

Record #

Course Demand Reports#UID

Name Last

Name First

Course Demand Reports#Email

Course Demand Reports#Last Enrolled Term

Course Demand Reports#Campus

Course Demand Reports#College


Major 1

Concentration 1

Minor 1

Major 2 

Concentration 2

Minor 2

Course Demand Reports#Degree App Status

Course Demand Reports#Degree App Term

Course Demand Reports#Degree Type

Course Demand Reports#DGW Overall %

Course Demand Reports#DGW Requirements

Course Demand Reports#DGW Req Comp %

Report: Course Demand - Section Level

The Course Demand - Section Level report shows current student enrollment at the section level for the term selected. Data show max enrollment for the course as well as the number of interested students. The report also provides enrollment information for the five years prior to the current term. 

Note that you can drill to College, Department, and Program Name to see courses linked to programs of study in Acalog.  

Filters and Report Elements in the table are shown here; click on any item to link to the Report Elements Glossary Table for detailed descriptions.  


Course Demand Reports#College

Course Demand Reports#Department

Course Demand Reports#Program Name

Course Demand Reports#Term Code

Course Demand Reports#Course Prefix

Course Demand Reports#Course Number

Course Demand Reports#Course Section

Report Elements

Course Demand Reports#Course Prefix

Course Demand Reports#Course Number

Course Demand Reports#Section Number

Course Demand Reports#Section Type

Course Demand Reports#Course Title

Course Demand Reports#Delivery Method

Course Demand Reports#Course Attributes

Course Demand Reports#Course Session

Course Demand Reports#Max Enrollment

Course Demand Reports#Interest Student #

Course Demand Reports#Potential Deficit

Enr # Year-1

Enr # Year-2

Enr # Year-3

Enr # Year-4

Enr # Year-5

Course Demand Reports#Section College

Course Demand Reports#Section Department

Report Elements Glossary Table

The table below lists all of the elements used in the Course Demand reports.

Note: To sort the table elements, click the up or down arrow in the column header. 




DescriptionFrequency of Update

# of Sections



BANNER->SSBSECT->SSBSECT_CAMP_CODEIdentifies the campus of the student or where the course is being taught.Live



The specific classification for students, established for tracking and reporting. This report uses the following formatting/categorization:

FTICYY08 – Full-time first time in college student entering in summer (continuing to fall) or fall semesters.

SKRALLYY08 – Full- or part-time first time in college student entering in summer (continuing to fall) or fall semesters.



BANNER->SCBCRSE->SCBCRSE_COLL_CODECollege that is funding the course.Live

Concentration 1

BANNER->SGBSTDN->SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_CONC_1Student's primary concentration in area of study.Live

Concentration 2

BANNER->SGBSTDN->SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_CONC_2Student's second concentration in area of study.Live

Course Attributes


Course level attributes from Banner.

Click this link to see a full list of these values:


Course Number



The code that includes the level of a course to identify the course in a systematic manner.Live

Course Prefix



The alpha abbreviation assigned to a course by Common Course Numbering.Live

Course Section (=Section Number)

BANNER->SSBSECT->SSBSECT_SEQ_NUMBA unique identifier assigned by the institution for each section of a course offered during the term reported.Live

Course Session

BANNER->SSBSECT->SSBSECT_PTRM_CODEAn indicator used by the university to uniquely identify a session of less than 10 weeks within a summer term OR less than full term for fall and spring terms.Live

Course Title

BANNER->SCBCRSE_TITLETitle or description of the course.Live

Current Enrollment

BANNER->SSBSECT->SSBSECT_ENRLCurrent student enrollment, updated regularly when registration is open.Live

Delivery Method


A classification of a course based on the delivery of direct instruction.

Full Distance Learning Course (AD) - 100% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology where the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. All special course components (e.g., exams, internships, practica, clinicals, labs) that cannot be completed online can be completed off-campus.

Primarily Classroom Learning Course (CL) - Less than 50% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology where the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. This designation can include activities that do not occur in a classroom (e.g., exams, internships, practica, clinicals, labs).

Hybrid Course (HB) - 50-79% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology where the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both.

Primarily Distance Learning Course (PD) - 80-99% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology where the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. All special course components (e.g., exams, internships, practica, clinicals, labs) that cannot be completed online can be completed off-campus.


Degree App Status


Flag indicating the status of the student's application toward his or her degree:

  • AP - Applied
  • AW - Awarded
  • DE - Denied
  • SO - Sought

Degree App Term

BANNER->SHRDGMR->SHRDGMR_TERM_CODE_GRADThe term the student put in an application for his or her degree.Live

Degree Type

CRETE ->DIMDGWSTUDENT>DGW_DEGREEThe degree being sought, such as BA or BS.Weekly


BANNER->SGBSTDN->SGBSTDN_DEPT_CODEDepartment that is funding the course.Live

DGW Overall %

CRETE ->DIMDGWSTUDENTREQUIREMENTS->DGW_COMPLETION_PERCENTAGEStudent's overall completion percentage in satisfying the DegreeWorks credit requirements toward his or her degree, including major, minor, and concentration requirements as well as university requirements.Weekly

DGW Req Comp %

CRETE ->DIMDGWSTUDENTREQUIREMENTS->DGW_REQUIREMENTS_COMPLETION_PERCENTAGEThe completion percentage by DegreeWorks requirement. , i.e., the student's progress towards completing the individual credit requirements according to catalog hours.Weekly

DGW Requirements

CRETE ->DIMDGWSTUDENTREQUIREMENTS->DGW_REQUIREMENTSThe individual DegreeWorks credit requirements, such as Civics Literacy or Credits Outside Major.Weekly


CRETE ->DIMDGWSTUDENT>EMAILThe email for the student.Weekly

Enrollment # Year-1

SID_Instructional_Activity->SECTN_HEADCNT_ENROLActual enrollment number for the course in the same semester one year prior for all campuses.Live

Enrollment # Year-2

SID_Instructional_Activity->SECTN_HEADCNT_ENROLActual enrollment number for the course in the same semester two years prior for all campuses..Live

Enrollment # Year-3

SID_Instructional_Activity->SECTN_HEADCNT_ENROLActual enrollment number for the course in the same semester three years prior for all campuses..Live

Enrollment # Year-4

SID_Instructional_Activity->SECTN_HEADCNT_ENROLActual enrollment number for the course in the same semester four years prior for all campuses..Live

Enrollment # Year-5

SID_Instructional_Activity->SECTN_HEADCNT_ENROLActual enrollment number for the course in the same semester five years prior for all campuses..Live

First Name

CRETE ->DIMDGWSTUDENT->PERSONNAMEFIRSTFirst name of the student.Weekly

Interested Student #


Number of students interested in taking the course from the College Scheduler tool for undergraduate students.

Count of rows for the term_code, crn, pidm in CSCHED_REGCART table.
The way of calculating interested students will change this sprint.


Last Enrolled Term

CRETE ->DIMDGWSTUDENT->DGW_ACTIVE_TERMThe academic term in which the student was last enrolled. The format for this field is YYYYMM.Weekly

Last Name

CRETE ->DIMDGWSTUDENT->PERSONNAMELASTLast name of the student.Weekly


BANNER->SGBSTDN->SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_1The student's primary major.Live


BANNER->SGBSTDN->SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_2The student's second major.Live

Max Enrollment

BANNER->SSBSECT->SSBSECT_MAX_ENRLIndicates the total number of available seats in the current semester for all campuses.Live


BANNER->SGBSTDN->SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_MINR_1The student's primary minor.Live


BANNER->SGBSTDN->SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_MINR_2The student's second minor.Live


BANNER->CSCHED_REGCART->PIDMThe internal identification number of the applicant.Live

Potential Deficit

Max Enrollment-Interest Student #Calculated column = Max Enrollment - Interested Student #.Live

Program Name

CRETE->TEMP_COURSEDEMAND->PROGRAMNAMEName of the college program with which the course is affiliated.Live

Record #

Calculated based on filters.Number of records showing in the report based on the filters selected. Each student has multiple records representing their selected courses.Live

Section College

BANNER->SCBCRSE->SCBCRSE_COLL_CODEA code indicating the college to which this section is assigned. The code is an abbreviation for the college name, for example, ED = Education.Live

Section Department

BANNER->SCBCRSE->SCBCRSE_DEPT_CODEA code indicating the department to which the section is assigned. The code is an abbreviation for the department name, for example, FIN = Finance.Live

Section Number (=Course Section)

BANNER->SSBSECT->SSBSECT_SEQ_NUMBA unique identifier assigned by the institution for each section of a course offered during the term reported.Live

Section Type


The means by which instruction is predominantly delivered for this course section as reported on the Student Data Course File. Options for this field are:

  • C - Class Lecture
  • D - Discussion
  • G - Graduate Dissertation
  • I - Internship
  • L - Laboratory
  • M - Medical Clinical Professional
  • O - Other
  • P - Individual Performance
  • R - Supervised Research
  • S - Supervised Teaching
  • T - Graduate Thesis
  • Z - Directed Individual Study

Student #

Calculated based on filters.Number of students displayed in the table based on the filters selected.Live

Student Level


The undergraduate level of the student, with these options:

01 - Freshman
02 - Sophomore
03 - Junior
04 - Senior
06 - Unclassified


Student Type


Classification of student, with these options:

  • Beginner, First time in college
  • Doctorate of Nursing Practice
  • Early admit, prior to HS grad
  • Graduate
  • Other undergraduate transfer
  • Transfer from FL Community College
  • Undeclared, unclassified

Term Code

BANNER->CSCHED_REGCART->TERM_CODEThe academic term in the format: YYYYMM - description.Live


BANNER->CSCHED_REGCART->STUDENTIDThe unique University Identification number of the student.Live


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