Box - Saving User Files and Folders to Box

Box - Saving User Files and Folders to Box

This article shows how to upload and save user files to Box.

You will want to follow these steps for any and all files you wish to keep. These files are usually located on the desktop or in the folders located immediately below the desktop in file explorer. These folder locations include Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, and Videos. Be aware that users can save files in any folder located on the computer. Due to this we cannot verify which file locations to copy to Box. If you are unsure where your files are located ask for assistance before copying unnecessary folders to Box.

You may want to create a folder named Box and move all files you wish to upload to Box into that folder. This will make it easier to upload all your files.

  1. Log into your Box account online with your USF credentials. 

  2. On the right, select New, then either File Upload or Folder Upload.

  3. Select any Files and/or Folder you wish to save to your Box account and select Upload.

You should see this folder in Box and receive the message that "items were uploaded successfully." Remember to follow these same instructions for any files located in Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos, or anywhere else you may have saved files on your computer.