Educational Data Warehouse Course Grades Universe

Educational Data Warehouse Course Grades Universe

Universe Description

This universe contains information related to student and course grades.  Grades are provided for each student per course.

Universe Objects

Course Grade Information

Credit Hours

Institutional Course Credit Hours. Credit hours associated with grade of the course.

Source: Health Banner Table: SHRTCKG

Contact Hours

Institutional Course Credit Hours. Credit hours associated with grade of the course.

Source: Health Banner Table: SHRTCKG

Course Grade Abbrev Final

Grade Code Abbreviation.

Source: Health Banner Table: SHRGRDE

Course Grade Change

This field specifies the reason for grade change associated with the grade change reason code.

Source: Health Banner Table: STCGCHG

Course Grade Code Final

Institutional Course Final Grade Code. Grade code associated with the course.

Source: Health Banner Table: SHRTCKG

Course Seq No

Institutional Course Sequence Number. Internal sequence number of the course associated with the grade.

Source: Health Banner Table: SHRTCKG

Grade Seq No

Institutional Course Grade Sequence Number. Sequence number of the grade for the course with highest sequence number being most recent grade.

Source: Health Banner Table: SHRTCKG

Record Refresh Date

Date when data was last updated.

Schedule Type

This field defines the schedule type codes which can be authorized for a course. Each course must be authorized to be offered for at least one schedule type. An unlimited number of schedule types can be authorized for a course.

Source: Health Banner Table: SCRSCHD


Course Information

Course Global Department Name

Global Department Name associated with the Course Banner department name.

Source: Health Banner Table: SCBCRSE

Course Number

Course number associated with the subject for the course - usually 4 numbers and sometimes a 5th character.

Source: Health Banner Table:SCBSRSE

Course Title Current

Most recent course name for selected course.

Source: Health Banner Table: SCBCRSE

Related Course Number

Related course number is derived from the course number. It is the first 4 characters of the course number.

Source: Health Banner Table: Derived


Main instructional subject area for this course

Source: Health Banner Table: STVSUBJ

Subject Code

Subject code for selected course - usually 3 characters.

Source: Health Banner Table: SCBCRSE

Subject - Course Number

Subject code and Course number for selected course.

Source: Derived 

Record Refresh Date

Date when data was last updated.


Graduation Cohort Information

Graduation Cohort Current

Full description of Cohort Code when a student is currently expected to graduate or has graduated.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVCHRT

Graduation Cohort Code Current

Code denoting the year when a student is currently expected to graduate or has graduated.

Source: Health Banner Table: SGRCHRT

Matriculation Term 

Matriculation Term

The full description of the effective term of matriculation - the term the student began classes in their current program.

Source: Health Banner Table: SGBSTDN

Matriculation Term Code Current

Code of the effective term of matriculation - the term the student began classes in their current program. The first 4 digits are the year the term began.

Source: Health Banner Table: SGBSTDN

Matriculation Term End Date

This field identifies the term end date and is fomatted DD-MON-YY.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVTERM

Matriculation Term Start Date

This field identifies the term start date and is formatted DD-MON-YY.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVTERM

Program Information


The campus description associated with the campus code for the degree program.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVCAMP

Campus Code

Campus code for the degree program.

Source Health Banner Table: SMRPRLE


The description associated to the college code. This is Banner's highest administrative unit.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVCOLL

College Code

The code for the college or school offering the degree program. Referenced in the Catalog, Class Schedule, Recruiting, Admissions, General Student, Registration, Academic History and Degree Audit Modules.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVCOLL


The description (e.g. Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Arts, Juris Doctor, etc.) of the associated degree code.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVDEGC

Degree Code

The degree code of the degree the student is pursuing or has obtained at USF Health. Referenced in the Recruiting, Admissions, Gen. Student, Registration, Academic History and Degree Audit Modules.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVDEGC

Level Code

Identifies the level code of the degree program. Referenced in the Catalog, Recruiting, Admissions, General Student, Registration, and Academic History Modules.

Source: Health Banner Table: SMRPRLE

Level Course

This field specifies the student level (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, professional) associated with the student level code.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVLEVL

Level Student

The description (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, professional) associated with the student level code.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVLEVL

Level Student Code

Identifies the student level code of the degree program. Referenced in the Catalog, Recruiting, Admissions, General Student, Registration, and Academic History Modules.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVLEVL


The description associated with the major code.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVMAJR

Major Code

Identifies the major code of the student. Referenced in the Catalog, Class Schedule, Recruiting, Admissions, General Student, Registration, and Academic History Modules.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVMAJR


Program description which further describes program code.

Source: Health Banner Table: SMRPRLE

Program Code

A program code which will represent a specific university program.

Source: Health Banner Table: SMRPRLE

Student Information

Admission Status

This field identifies the application decision value associated with the application decision status.

Source: Health Banner Table: SARAPPD

Admission Status Code

This field identifies the application decision value associated with the application decision status code.

Source: Health Banner Table: SARAPPD


Description of Citizen Type Code

Source: Health Banner Table: STVCITZ

Citizenship Code

Person Citizen Type

Source: Health Banner Table: SPBPERS

Degree Status Current

Students degree code (BS, BA, etc.).

Source: Health Banner Table: SHRDGMR

Degree Status Code Current

Status of students degree, for example sought, awarded, etc.

Source: MDBanner Table: SHRDGMR


This field specifies the ethnic group associated with the ethnic code.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVETHN

Ethnicity Code

This field identifies the ethnic code defined by the U.S. government. The valid values are 1 - Not Hispanic or Latino, 2 - Hispanic or Latino, or empty.

Source: Health Banner Table: SPBPERS


This field maintains the sex of person. Valid values are: M - Male, F - Female, N - Unknown.

Source: Health Banner Table: SPBPERS

Global Department Name

Student's Global Department Name

Source: MDM_CURR

Graduation Date Current

Graduation Date. Graduation date of student.

Source: Health Banner Table: SHRDGMR

Is Admitted

If Admission Status Code is 'AD', 'A', 'AS', or 'AW' then it will display 'Y' otherwise it will be 'N'. This field is known to have significant issues for some cohorts/matriculation terms.

Source: Health Banner Table: Derived

Latest Program

Program description which further describes the latest program code which represents a specific university program associated with the max effective term.

Source: Health Banner Table: SMRPRLE

Latest Program Code

A latest student program code which represents a specific university program associated with the max effective term.

Source: Health Banner Table: SGBSTDN

Name - First

This field identifies the first name of the person.

Source: Health Banner Table: SPRIDEN

Name - Last

This field defines the last name of the person.

Source: Health Banner Table: SPRIDEN

Name - Last, First

Combination of the Name Last, Name First of the person.

Source: Health Banner Table: Derived

Name - Middle

This field identifies the middle name of the person.

Source: Health Banner Table: SPRIDEN

Name - Unique

Combined field of Name Last, Name First - U-Number

Source: Health Banner Table: Derived

Name Prefix

This field maintains the prefix (Mr, Mrs, etc) used before the person's name.

Source: Health Banner Table: SPBPERS

Name Suffix

This field maintains the suffix (Jr, Sr, etc) used after the person's name. 

Source: Health Banner Table: SPBPERS


This field specifies the residency status associated with the residency code.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVRESD


This field defines the identification number used to access a person in Health Banner.  WARNING: There are some historical situations where this may contain an SSN, though normally it is a generated ID or a USF U-Number.

Source: MDBanner Table: SPRIDEN

Student Attribute Code Current

Attribute assigned to the student, currently it is used to determine the different Curriculum Programs of SLCT and CORE. Previously it was also used to determine which year of coursework a student was taking.

Source: Health Banner Table: SGRCHRT

Student Attribute Current

Description of Student Attribute Code assigned to the student. Currently it is used to determine the different Curriculum Programs of Select and Core. Previously it was also used to determine which year of coursework a student was taking.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVATTS

Student Status Code

Code for student's current status; AS = Active, IG = Inactive-Graduated, IS = Inactive, UNKN = Unknown

Student Status Description

Description of student's current status: Active, Inactive, Inactive-Graduated, Unknown

Resident Code

This field identifies the residency classification of the applicant.

Source: Health Banner Table: SARADAP


U-number for the student to uniquely identify them from other students.

Source: Health Banner Table: SPRIDEN

Record Refresh Date

Date when data was last updated.

Term Details


This field identifies the term referenced in the Catalog.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVTERM

Term Code

This field identifies the term code referenced in the Catalog, Recruiting, Admissions, Gen. Student, Registration.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVTERM

Term Start Date

This field identifies the term start date and is formatted DD-MON-YY.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVTERM

Term End Date

This field identifies the term end date and is fomatted DD-MON-YY.

Source: Health Banner Table: STVTERM


Unique Student Count

Used to show the exact count of students

Source: Derived  Table: Count of Unique U-Numbers


Data Load Details

Data Load Success

This field identifies if the data load has been successful.

Data Message

This field identifies when the data did not run properly and displays a warning message.

Record Refresh Date

Date when data was last updated.



This universe only displays values as they were in USF Health Banner at the last refresh date. Those values are subject to change over time. Unauthorized use of this universe is prohibited. If you log on to this computer system, you acknowledge your awareness of and concurrence with the University of South Florida policies. The University will prosecute violators to the full extent of the law.

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